I took five days for me to fall...

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The emotional traumas of my past are the sinkhole in my life
Everyday I pile on dirt
To keep far above and past this hurt
And everyday little things chip at the mound
That's keeping me sane
But my contributions far out way the things that are trying to bring me down
But I am still standing on a sinkhole
An empty cavern
with no way of supporting my progress
One wrong step
And I feel the floor slowly crumble
Beneath my feet
I know my falling down is inevitable
But I keep on piling on more dirt
I keep on and keep on
So I can stay up
Just long enough
To appear alright
I continue acting like everything is fine
Like all my metal stability isn't shaking beneath me
I continue
As if the illusion of my strength and resilience
Hasn't just collapsed
I hold on
Just to let go

They say we bury our deepest darkest secret

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