Drought pt. 2

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Not lacking in moisture, emotion, or feeling
But lacking in thought, I'm empty
Haven't been healing,
Lost my way of communication
No Inspiration!
I'm Frustrated!
But instead I'm numb
Put up in a tree
I was hung for my Insolence,
Relentless, Defiance
Done with the system and it's requirements
This is my last cry
Before I'm another robot
To just punch in and punch out,
And just die
A nobody
Another fish in the sea
Just see me
Unique and in color
What am I saying
My thought are all scattered
They're sucking me dry!
Please hurry, listen to my chatter
My time is up, yes that I know for curtain
But don't let them close the curtains
On the truth!
Go out and find the true you...

~ A Dreamer

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