Ch. 5 - Fresh Trap: Battle of the Paints

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Ink was traveling the AU's at random searching for a colorful skeleton. Not the most efficient method, but the unknown Sans presence had disappeared as quickly as he had come and Ink had no clue where the skeleton would hang out.

And he had to find him - Ink was 'it' and they were playing tag ... he's pretty sure. He's been searching for a while? Or maybe it was just an hour or so. He's not very good at keeping track of time or ... anything really.

He thinks he's forgetting something too, but he's used to that. The Creator of AU's is always forgetting something. He'll remember later ... possibly. He didn't know. Ink just shrugged and carried on, hoping it wasn't the oven again.

His face also hurt for some reason. Maybe he bumped into Error on the way?

Or maybe it was a door again - Ink, Dream and Blue shared the trait of kicking doors open when sharing exciting or time sensitive news.

The Sans from Underconstruction had to be called in a lot between the doors and the kitchen constantly needing fixed and/or replaced. (A/N: there is no AU Underconstruction to my knowledge ... Ink's busy with tag at the moment ;D (eh? eh?))

As Ink was searching through Danceswap Copy 2809 he felt a weirdly familiar large pulse of energy coming from Outertale 567.

Oh! Ink remembered that he found the colorful skeleton that way before! By following a magical surge! Ink felt his paints imitate excitement and curiosity.

Smiling, he created an ink portal toward the energy that was located just outside of Stardin. What he saw surprised, confused and interested him. It was the new AU hopper! But what was he doing?

When he saw the colorful skeleton sitting on a boulder with a strangely familiar looking foam sword propped on his shoulder, Ink tilted his head and held his chin.

"Hey Sans?" Ink asked, not knowing the other's nickname yet. "What are you doing just sitting there? Aren't we playing tag? Shouldn't you run? ... Or was it hide and seek and I won?"

Ink was confusing himself further and his eye lights took on the shape of question marks.

"Reasons simple bro." The Sans said, smiling. A purple mist began to leak from his sockets behind a pair of sunglasses that floated there ... somehow. "This here is muh radical trap dawg!"

Fresh snapped his fingers and Ink heard something above his skull. He reflexively used Broomie (his giant paint brush) from his back to deflect, thinking it was a blaster or some other attack only to find that the object was ... a bucket of paint!?

By hitting the bucket he caused it to spin rapidly and deposit its contents on him and the ground everywhere. Now Ink was half covered in yellow! He was so surprised he forgot he could magic the paint off.

Ink gaped at the skeleton.

Was this a fight or a new game? What is going on!? Whatever it was, Ink would be ready.

"The names Fresh by the way, home slice." The skeleton said as he poofed behind Ink in a colorful cloud and gripped Inks shoulder- "And we're about to have a rad time!" - and promptly wacked him in the face with the foam sword before he could move broomie to block.

Ink remembered why his face hurt as the weird skeleton ran in the direction further from town.

"Sans - Fresh!" He yelled chasing after him, exasperated even as he began to smirk. "Not again!"

Fresh was a surprisingly fast runner and Ink barely had to fake being slower to draw out the fight(?). This knowledge excited him and he began laughing at the thought of what an actual fight with the colorful blur would be like - it might even be as fun as fighting Error! And as a bonus they could fight without an AU being on the line.

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