Ch. 72 - 69 Goes Down

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In a blind panic 69 nearly released Papercrane with a scream to flee before rationale informed him that leaving Papercrane - his current source of power - would be a death sentence. Not that he felt particularly confident in his odds with the virus skeleton seeing Fresh calculatedly walk closer lacking his magic suppressing shades completely.

69 could have sworn he saw a moment's glimmer of The Grim Reaper over his former master's shoulder smirking down at him. It wasn't a friendly smirk.

"Ru- mmph-!" 69's orders were cut off by a hand - Fresh's hand - as his body was forced deep into dirt that stained his white fur as the Admin knelt menacingly over him covering the sky. Fresh had moved faster than the demonic furby could perceive, wisps off blue magic fading - or perhaps he had shortcut but there was no Fresh Poof to indicate that.

Fresh's hands were hot with magic energy; burning with it.

At that moment it was no longer just the power from the dying AU's fueling 69. In fact, 69 could no longer safely pull power from the AU's as a much more concentrated power flooded his system.

His circuits were filled with static as he wasn't prepared for such an influx just yet.

Fresh spoke with an undertone of threat, cutting through the white noise filling 69's head.

"Did ya up and know broski that some tech can do a funky lil' thing in a radical enough power surge?" 69's lensed screens begin to crack. Fresh glared menacingly down at the pinned furby. "Too much of a good thing ain't a good thing, bro."

Fresh's fingers flexed as he upped his power output in his attempt to oversaturate 69 to the point he couldn't process. Something he wouldn't have even dared attempt if he didn't have a beyond-monstrous amount of MP.

69 screamed.

A bead of sweat built up on Fresh's skull trailing from below his hat as he saw his MP depleting at an alarming rate.

However ... 69's screams began to quiet. They then turned into a chuckle that crescendoed intomanic cackles as Fresh started to run low.

69 had survived the worst of the surge adapting to the level of magic intake.

Fresh's hope turned to ice as his gamble didn't pay out. And if Fresh didn't stop 69 here ... he knew the destruction would not end until there was nothing left to destroy.

Fresh tried to let go of the furby to preserve what little magic - still more than several Sans's - he had in order to fight. The moment his grip lessened 69 used one of its clawed feet to latch onto Fresh, continuing to drain his magic.

Fresh tried to pull or crush 69's hold but the furby had grown too strong for physical means to defeat it. The ever present haze around his eye sockets began to dim.

"You fool!" 69 screens glared up at Fresh. "I have now ascended my limits!" He taunted in madness as he started absorbing AU's again at an exponential rate. "I will consume it all! Eve̷r̶Y̵t̴͐ͅH̶̘͌ỉ̵͓n̶̬̾G̶̠͙̮͚͗͊̈́͝!̴̡̡̝̒́"

Just as Fresh began to wonder if this was the end of everything a presence arrived. Or perhaps it merely made itself known at that moment.

Fresh's grip tightened once more as he smiled, recognizing the presence.

How could he not recognize his fathers magic?

<Everything you say?> The voice spoke without sound or direction yet shook the world all the same as if a tremendous baritone rolled across the land.

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