Ch. 58- Mommy Issues

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(A/N: merry Christmas and holidays - have the finished NM drawing)


The portal closed behind the gods of Creation and Destruction.

The two paused as they felt the number of AU's decreasing suddenly. Ink's sockets boggled at the rate - this was so much faster than when Error destroyed. It was as if he had been multiplied by 300!

Error casually halted the unsheathing of Broomie with a couple strings before Ink could interfere. This earned him small glare.

"Leave it. That's p-p-p-plan furby." Error explained letting go. "Fresh is just g-g-g-giving us extra time. Though I didn't think it would be so ... e-e-e-efficient."

"Extra time for what?" Ink asked, question marks in his confused gaze telling.

Error deadpanned. "Before AU's start c-c-c-crashing into each other."

After all, even without Ink creating, some timelines of the fully developed AU's do manage to become their own AU's if things manage to change enough. Like the Murder Time Trio's AU's. But even though Ink didn't make them, it never stopped Ink from making more copies of them.

"... oh." Ink said. "Ooooh! Oh yeah." He returned Broomie to its position. "I forgot."

Error plopped down on the living room couch with a sigh as if this were his own home.

"I swear your m-m-m-memory has gotten worse."

"Probably. Not like I remember it being better." Ink smirked and sat next to Error at a distance, looking at the glitch with curiosity. His skull propped up on a hand as he took in the peculiar sight. It was rare Ink ever saw Error so calm and it was almost weird to see him in such a normal setting. If ever.

Error, ignoring the intense gaze, pulled out his knitting supplies and a half finished project; a doll for one of the Chara's or Swap Frisks. Hopefully the familiar motions would help distract him while he dealt with Ink's no doubt bazillion questions to come.

Ink gasped when he realized what Error was making. Error, making something. His eye lights turned to stars as he leaned in close to get a better look at the doll, forgetting boundaries in his excitement.

"I didn't know you could knit!" Ink basically shouted, taking in the good quality. "It's really good too!"

Error glitched slightly at the sudden closeness, hiding a flinch as he leaned away. "Thanks ... my mom t-t-t-taught me. It's relaxing."

"Your ... mum?" Ink asked, leaning a respectable distance away once more. He was pretty sure they formed with the multiverse ... maybe. He never really thought about where he came from. Not that he'd remember if he did.

"Destiny." Error elaborated further. "Fate's sister and c-c-c-counterpart."

Ink blinked once before his eye light's turned to exclamation points. "Fate's your Aunt!?"

"And y-y-y-your mom." Error added. Blunt as ever.

Ink threw up at the revelation.

Error frowned, noting how the Blue and Purple vials were still full.

"You should really take a-a-a-all your paints, y'know." Error focused his gaze back on his knitting. Sensing Inks hesitation, he added annoyed. "If it bothers you so m-m-m-much, start small. But considering the topic, if you don't, you're just going to keep s-s-s-spewing rainbows everywhere and neither of us want that."

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