Ch. 11 - Flex Tape and Phone Numbers

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In the Deity Realm, the staticy portal Fate and Chaos had been viewing things with, came back into focus - the shot was a close up of Ink's face and playing at 1.5x the speed of real time.

The sudden clarity startled Fate into very clearly jumping back from her tampering.

Chaos had been very amused with the jumpscares - they may have used the first one (courtesy of Fresh) as an opportunity to tilt Fates chair just sliiiightly back when she had jumped causing her to fall.

Sure, Fresh got Chaos a little, but they were better with dealing with that type of thing than Fate. Chaos was, quite literally, their element. Also messing with Haunted Houses with godly powers was always a fun pass time, so they were well acquainted with the art of jumpscares.

Code Locking the AU was a nice touch, though. Fate's frustration made the popcorn that much better.

Fate had even started banging the side of the static filled portal as if the reception was bad when opening with codes or string did nothing.

Thus leading to a close up of a sudden close up.

But it seemed like Higher Management sent someone to repair the Fourth Wall and as a result fixed the connection (sort of). At least the sudden flex tape on the corner of the 'screen' would suggest that.

Higher Management was on a tight budget after all.

For an omnipresent all powerful being(s?), they surprisingly couldn't do much.

Or they were lazy - their ways were mysterious after all.

"Took them long enough." Fate huffed, righting her chair once more to watch.

She gave Chaos a look as if daring a remark about her loss of composure.

Chaos gave an eye roll and ate more buttery goodness from their bucket of infinitely spawning popcorn. It came standard with the Deity Pack.

But they digress.

Back to the unnecessarily zoomed in and sped up face shot, Ink was wearing the expression he does when he's meant to be feeling an emotion he didn't have the right paint balance for. Chaos is pretty sure Ink wants to be afraid - or at the very least, anxious - seeing as he had surprisingly decided to take the blue earlier.

Ink vomited a rainbow.

Very anxious then.

Fate zoomed out so that they could get a better view (and away from the colored paint), but was having trouble locating the speed controls.

"You ok, broseph?" Fresh asked Ink. Though the speed made it harder to understand.

He looked worried and weirded out at the same time. So either it worked and he got his emotions back or he was getting better at acting.

Chaos nodded to themself. They think they missed something important. But if that meant Fate did too, they had no problem with that. Though judging by the kicked in bathroom door it was probably interesting. That was the only shame.

Chaos ate some more popcorn. They love a good mystery.

"Uh ..." Ink chuckled as he used his magic to gather and erase the mess. "I think I just remembered I have to do something."

He made a hasty retreat through his black portal.

*Ink ran away.

Fate glared at Chaos for the narration, and they rolled their eyes.

*Ink made a "strategic retreat."

"Having fun, brat?" Fate sneered.

"Yep!" Chaos tossed a piece of popcorn at the 'supreme deity.' Fate twitched. "You're sooo great with kids. Just look how yours turned out!"

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