Ch. 74 - Meetings: The Mod Squad

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Fresh, Papercrane (henceforth nicknamed PC) and Tiffa Ray appeared in a colorful cloud of smoke that dissipated quickly in a grassy plain next to a fence; they hid the park and entrance from view - and more importantly, hid them from it. Flowers occasionally dotted the mostly unkempt grass. They could hear the sounds of crowds and rides out of sight.

They had arrived at their destination: UnderHacked. A quick check on the Player-List and Fresh could see there were already a couple more Hackers aside from the Mods wandering about and the AU hadn't even been announced yet, which held promise for its designed purpose.

Tiffa raised a hand to shield her eyes from the sun, the difference from twilight to full day irritating her eyes. PC looked around in curiosity, despite their position not offering much in the way of views yet; he seemed content enough with the field and sky.

Though a plane fence and an empty field was a pretty boring first greeting to the AU in Fresh's humble opinion.

Fresh blinked recalling something. He facepalmed, muttering to himself. "Oopsie - forgot to replace Blue's radical Helmet."

Could you blame a guy? He's got a lot on his plate at the mo, yo! Fresh sighed and shook his head at himself, resolving to remember the next time.

Tiffa turned to Fresh. "What?"

Fresh shrugged. "Broke the radical motorcycle helmet he lent me when a transport up and hit me."

"... oh yeah that." Tiffa recalled having heard about the incident. "That was 100% on you."

Fresh placed a hand on his sternum, mock hurt with a gasp.

PC frowned in concern at the news. Fresh merely shrugged again.

Blinking, Fresh noted PC's poncho and outfit changed to fit the theme of the AU, leaning more on the Hacker influence than Fair. It's main colors being black and greens. The most notable change being the lack of fluff trim on the hoodie and green power symbol on the back.

"Nice digs, broski!" Fresh said, giving PC finger guns.

PC blinked away from the flowers in the field and looked down, doing a little unintentional twirl as he took in his own outfit.


(A/N: have a 'quick' lil sketch/drawing :) )

(A/N: have a 'quick' lil sketch/drawing :) )

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PC gripped the edge of the hoodie, a tiny bit pouty at the loss of fluff.

Tiffa smiled at PC. "With the hood up you would fit right into Hackers Anonymous aesthetic. Which kinda defeats the point of being anonymous if there's an aesthetic, if you think about it."

"Hacker's Anonymous?" Fresh asked. The way she said it sounded like she was describing a real group.

"Yeah." She shrugged. "They're a group from my old world that would meet up for hacker comp's. Great for networking - no pun intended." She frowned thoughtfully. "... wonder how they're all doing. That's where I met the person I got access to UnderHacked from, now that I think on it. Odd ... I can only remember they wore a purple jacket, mask and red hat. The rest is ... fuzzy."

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