Ch. 49 - Punishment

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The chaos had settled, and Fresh sat on his couch, feet on the table and 69 in his hold.

Bill was, surprisingly, NOT the one to set fire to the couch. Though they were staring at it with a passion, a sparkler in hand(?) forgotten and slightly singing the floor.

It was one of the new ones (9) who had somehow managed to carry around (then subsequently spill minutes before Fresh arrived) a bucket of lava. He decided to call 9, Nova due to the galaxy-like swirl on their chest. How the bocket did not melt, nor the lava cool, Fresh attributed to the weird Minecraftian logic that seemed to seep into this multiverse.

8, the brown furby with a swirly brown heart, had made an excessive amount of varying coffees for everyone. Fresh dubbed them Bean.

15, which resembled a raccoon (and Fresh creatively named as such) was hoarding the knives like some kind of nest.

10 (now named Drak), patterned as if wearing a tux, had been looking at the pile with jealousy while playing with Fresh's D&D dragon model.

11, a busted up furby that looked straight from the dump and Link had been having a staring contest with a Pocky challenge that seemed to be going nowhere, the candy set between their beaks. Fresh decided to call 11 Nom.

12, patterned like a pineapple, had somehow ordered Hawaiian pizza. Fresh named them Pleb. No real reason. Other than the furby kept calling everyone else that.

13, with their pink petal-like pattern, had been staring at the flames with disconcertingly shrunken eye spots. And sense they were watching the couch ... they shall be called Potat. Like couch potato.

14, blue with silver and green speckles, had been ripping the stuffing out of a Fluffy Bunny doll - he named them Rabb. Short for Rabbit.

Not all of them appeared to be present because there was a gap between 16-21 (assumedly out in the multiverse) before Fresh spotted a number 22 in the mix. Glow in the dark blue star on their chest. They did nothing. Just sat in the corner and watched. Fresh shall call them Zero, for the funks given.

And that was just the newbies. (aside from Link and Bill)

Chis made a mech out of spare parts (from who knew where, as it wasn't the house) - Fresh was quick to pull a Ctrl+X on that real fast, causing Chris to faceplant and huff. Fresh would go through the machine and decide what was okay to keep. Maybe scale the size down a bit. 8ft was excessive. He had a feeling if he just deleted it, it would happen again.

Lastly, Tea, Shiko, Galaxtea and Luna had stacked onto each other in two groups like some kind of ... tall furby. It appeared to be for dominance reasons as they had been trying to knock each other's tower down.

The ones who caused the most damage, well. 69 and he dealt out the real punishment.

Even with Fresh present and thus meaning 69 had to do so 'civilly' it was still eyebrow raising what he tried to get away with. Fresh had to tell 69 that no, waterboarding an electronic was not a civil punishment along with other, increasingly creative tortcher methods.

Fresh is kinda fearing how much worse it could have been if Fresh wasn't there to turn down some of the methods of punishment. Sure Fresh was mad. But he wasn't that mad! 69 was a lot more strict than Fresh he learned.

69 was ... a creative sadist to say the least. Fresh finally agreed to a punishment for a grumbling 69. It was ... adequate.

Fresh had herded the idle furbies who seemed to have just wanted to watch (or had done less dangerous hijinx) into a corner and blocked it off with a child gate. It was now the time out corner. In another corner for those who were more reckless, he put on long and boring health and safety videos and tied them together

Chris and Nova were tied to the fan as it was turned on to full speed as they had done most mischief.

All of them were punished, as they were meant to be spying.

There was a THUMP as Nova got loose, signifying the end of their punishment. Novas' eyes rotated after the dizzying ride.

May it serve as a warning.

It could have been a worse punishment if Fresh wasn't the one to find them. This seemed to be enough of a reminder of that as Fresh and 69 had debated over their heads.

Fresh also got to question 69 about why each furby was condemned.

Not all of them were as fair as it being because arson, murder, tortcher, war crimes, etc.

For example, #2 (Chris) was incorporeal in his previous life and thought it was hilarious to try and torment 69 in one of the previous multiverses till old age, being the last being free from 69's rein.

Though he also did war crimes, so, yeah.

All of them had interesting lives before they became furbies.

Tea ran a cut throat gambling ring and lost a bet against 69. Chris created weapons of mass destruction and pestered 69 because he was invulnerable. Link was a hacker and had tried to make a rebellion against 69's take over of the last multiverse (failing). Shiko tripped over 69 once. Galaxtea arson. Luna arson. Bill arson (a lot of arson). Bean was a poisoner and assassin that failed to take down 69. Nova sheltered those of the rebellion but was found out (and arson). Drak a mercenary that failed against 69. Nom performed black magic and curses. Pleb liked pineapple pizza. Potat arson. Rabb tortcher. Raccoon is a weapons master - failed an attempt on 69's life. Zero corporate espionage, as well as spying and assasination.

(A/N: ... i forgor most of what y'all wanted - hopefully this suffices as back story)

Basically they mostly all hated 69, but due to 69 sealing their souls upon death they now need to follow his orders. Though they will often look for and exploit loopholes wherever they can.

Like 69 not stating a duration for said action.

Which led to them slacking in the first place.

After a little discussion, Fresh came up with schedules and zones for each furby to follow. And after learning the type of AU Chris had got his parts from (Jerrytale), Fresh also came up with a list of AU's and specific copies where the Furbies could rain free .. but no matter how bad the AU, the original was still off limits.

Fresh sent out a text to Error and Nightmare letting them know Fresh has put a plan in action to give them a little more vacation time. No point in surprising them with the furbies destroying and spreading negativity in some of the AU's.

It took hours, but they were in the void so time was a little more wiggly.

And finally, Fresh was able to set up what he came to the void to do.

Set up a place for the Ax3 affected AU's to meet.

Fresh New AntivirusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora