Ch. 25 - Fluffy Pancakes

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When pancakes were set on the table with assorted toppings plates and cutlery, Spiffy hesitated to ask as Gaster took his seat (a new glass of coffee finding its way in front of his spot), but finally couldn't let it go any longer.

"Is it really okay to take so much time before going after Fresh?" Spiffy asked worriedly, looking at the door to the Void. "I know you said he's probably fine, but I can't help but feel like we should still hurry, yet we're settling down to eat some pancakes??"

Gaster blinked and his expression seemed to soften, even if his amused smile still remained as prominent as ever.

"*There is no need to fear." He assured them. "*Time is flexible here. Leaving will send you approximately when and where you want to be. Just so long as it is not in the past."

Spiffy supposed that made some sort of sense. As much as any of this did. They took some food from inside of a video game and placed it on a coded plate, prepared by a fictional character and hacked into existence by their friend. For good measure their IRL self took a sip of some very real water in reality to help with their slightly dry mouth.

Yep. Made total sense.

Though the in-game food still managed to 'taste,' they doubted it impacted reality in a nutritional way ... even if it left a warm feeling where their hypothetically-not-as-metaphorical-as-thought 'soul' would be for both selves. They really didn't want to think of how there were two realities somehow connected by a Game interface and what that meant about 'reality' as a whole. The thought just made them sweaty, considering how many violent games they had played.

"So, like, plot convenience?" Snasy smirked, filling their plate, seemingly not bothered to worry about how this works. Nothing ever seemed to worry them long. Or they were just really good at ignoring it.

The shake of Gaster's shoulders was enough to assume the sound he was making was laughter.

"*I guess you may perceive it that way." With a thoughtful expression he continued. "*Considering how you and others in your position interact with this multiverse."

Both Spiffy and Snasy go quiet at that.

"Wha's tha mean?" Rover asked, mouth full of chocolate chip pancakes.

*Manners. Nomad was quick to sign over to them, which prompted Rover to stick their tongue out at them.

Spiffy and Snasy exchange looks over Discord, but keep facing their plates in game as they ask.

"... Gaster." Spiffy starts. "How much do you know about our 'universe'?"

Setting his mug down Gaster straightens, his smile twitching down only for the briefest of moments.

"*Not much." Gaster admitted. "*Just that the means of access to this multiverse is limited as a game format and that most Players and Hackers only perceive and experience it as such. Before now, I had thought proper communication between our - for lack of better term - races was beyond our reach."

Rover seemed to choke on their food and chugged a glass of chocolate milk, slamming down the galace with a glare. "Life isn't a Game." They practically emitted an air of accusation.

"We know!" Spiffy said, then amended. "Well we know now. Fresh's deal kind of ..."

"Gave us a change of perspective?" Snasy said in a tone that hinted at a pun.

"Don't you dare." Spiffy said, knowing where this was going.

"Why?" They said, amused. "You gonna start seeing double in a rage? Oh wait."

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