Ch. 65 - We All Need Therapy

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Ink, with the help of Destiny and Fresh explained the situation in a quick summary.

A sisterly feud started from a sense of entitlement and loss that spiraled into puppeting the Balance Holders into an eternal war favored heavily on one side. A war ended with her imprisonment here, in Asylumtale and stripped of most of her powers.

At some point in the middle Fresh had conjured snacks and soft drinks.

"that's ... a lot." Asy regarded Ink. "are you sure you don't need therapy? any of you?"

Ink rolled his eye lights. "Why would I need therapy when if I wait long enough I'll forget it anyway?"

Asy took a sip of some orange crush. "just because you don't remember something, doesn't mean it doesn't leave its mark."

Fresh waved a hand to catch Asy's attention as Ink confusedly pouted. "I think I'll up an' take ya up on that radical offer. I can think of some nasty things I might want to up and processes, Uncle broski."

Ink looked at Fresh agape. "You're one day old! How do you already need therapy!?"

"Oh sure, you remember that for some reason." Fresh noted dryly. "And I be two in a couple of hours fo' yo info, bro. And as for why I would up and need therapy ..." His shades went dark as he thought about that Hacker. "Traumatic experiences don't discriminate by age, yo."

"What the heck!?" Ink mumbled under his breath, eye lights made question marks.

"I, too, can think of things." Destiny admitted, gaze drifting to the building her sister is in.

"everyone could use some therapy sometimes." Asy pointed out.

"Why did locking Fate up turn into group therapy?" Ink deadpanned.

"Nah, bro." Fresh said with a smirk, tossing his empty grape soda can into the recycling from his seat. "This be an intervention." He pointed at Ink. "You need therapy, dawg."

"But I don't." Ink stressed.

Asy hummed and reached into his pocket pulling out three small thin objects. "let's ask the magic band-aids."

To each of those sitting at the picnic table he gave a colorful band-aid. Destiny got a blue butterfly pattern, Fresh got a rainbow, Ink got a paint splatter one.

They all took it. Ink gazed at his, confused before looking at Asy. "I don't sense any magic in these."

Asy gave a soft smile. "nah, it's true. these are magic band-aids that make you feel better. just give it time to work."

Fresh had already stuck his over his nasal ridge with a beaming smile. Destiny gave hers her own fond smile before wrapping it around a finger like a ring.

"That is very kind of you mister Asy." Destiny thanked.

"oof." Asy said lightheartedly. "no need for the mister. you're gonna make me feel like an old bones."

"Maybe that was my intention." Destiny teased back.

Ink looked back to his band-aid after the interaction before scoffing with an eye light roll. "This is stupid." He muttered. But he did end up pocketing his with great care.

"maybe so." Asy said smugly, noting the action. "but you're smiling."

"Lies." Ink immediately rebutted, hiding the smile.

Asy gave a small laugh before the conversation moved on. "so which one of you is going to help explain all this to Fate's therapist?"

Ink blinked. "Do we have to?"

"we're in the business of helping people." Asy said. "not gaslighting them into thinking they're delusional."

"Why not?" Ink pouted. "It would be easier for us all if she starts believing the cover story."

"not for her." Asy pointed out.

"How can you take her side in this?" Ink asked, crossing his arms.

"like i said." Asy reiterated. "people come here for help. not to be locked away."

Destiny gave a relieved smile that they were actually going to attempt to aid her sister, even knowing the truth.

"But you do lock people up." Ink pointed out.

"for the safety of others." Asy waved a scarred arm. "and of themselves. speaking as one of those they locked up, i'd have probably dusted in an alley had grillbs not found and brought me here."

Fresh poked Ink, startling a yelp out of him. "Are ya really unradically complaining that i ain't put her in a corrupt facility, broski?" Fresh had on an inquisitive smirk, an eyebrow raised.

"... when you put it like that it doesn't sound very good." Ink noted.

That settled, Asy nodded. "so who's coming with?"

"I will." Destiny volunteered. "As her sister and her medical proxy, I should take responsibility."

"good idea." Asy agreed, getting up and recycling his empty soda can. "we can discuss the possibility of introducing family sessions in the future. for now fate is best taking sessions alone."

Destiny followed. "If that is something that is recommended, very well."

Ink and Fresh were left in the courtyard.

"Was there anything else I was supposed to do?" Ink tried to look for his phone, but discovered it missing.

Fresh checked the multiversal time. "We could still go make that radical Underhacked AU before the swagalicious meeting? I be curious on how you do that process, home slice. That be a lot o' coding for the speed ya make 'em."

"Oh yeah!" Ink Jumped to his full height. "The AU and meeting! Thanks for reminding me!"

Fresh lightly noogied Ink. "No prob, lil' bro."

"Noooo!" Ink wined. "Don't noogie the skelegod!"

The two teleported out of the AU. 

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