Chapter 14.

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[Taehyung's Point of View]

"Welcome home Son", said mom as she opened the door for me.
"Why are you up till so late?", I questioned as it supposed to be the servant who should be opening the door.
"I couldn't sleep in the erupting enthusiasm to see my son after a whole week.....", She answered with a full smile.

"Where's my darling? Don't tell me you left her behind to get rid of her, don't trouble her so much, she's like my daughter", mom spoke while I followed her to inside.
"Not your daughter mom", I pressed my lips together, rolling my eyes to myself.

"Why not?", She turned to look at me.
"I don't share my mom", I said moving ahead to kiss on her forehead.

"It's already past three, go and freshen up and take some sleep, I hope you ain't going to the work tomorrow", she said as if was commanding.
"Do I have any other choice?", I spoke walking up through the staircase.

"Jade came to pick her up so she went with her", I answered mom's previous question.
"I'm aware, Jade called home to ask your flight details", she spoke causing me to turn to her.

She chuckled and I shook my head in disbelief. Never understood what lord must be thinking while creating women.

I entered the room and the first thing I did was remove my shirt. The air conditioner was already turned on, must be mom.

I reached to the closet to pull out my shorts.

After quickly washing myself up I reached to the bed. My eyes felt heavy but I wanted to call someone before drifting off to sleep.

[Your Point of View]

"Now tell me! For how long are you going to keep me in the suspense?!", I yelled sitting on the bed after washing myself up.

"Uh! I'm little nervous.....", She spoke in a shrill voice.
"I don't care! Tell me!", I was getting impatient and this lady wasn't opening her mouth.
"Okay fine, so Mr. K—", my phone's ring interrupted her.

I disconnected without looking at the caller ID as I was too eager to know who was the guy about whom Jade was talking about.

"Yep conti—", the phone rang up again but I disconnected once again.
"UGH! WHO THE HELL IS CALLING THIS LATE! JUST SPILL IT JADE!", I screamed as I was getting impatient.

"At least check who's calling, what if it's the Boss", Jade winked at me.
"Oh stop! He must be snoring right now", I rolled my eyes.
"Oh so he snores too?", She giggled, of course she knew we were staying in the same room.
"Not really, just the little ones", I chuckled.

The phone rang up again but this time I closely looked at the caller ID, it was him, Jade was right.
My eyes popped out.
"It's him~", I spoke in a muffled tone as if he could hear us.
"Go no~".

I swiped the green button.
"What took you so long?", He spoke as soon as I attended the call.

I furrowed. Why he was always pissed?!

"I was just talking to Jade but your call interrupted and I didn't look at the ID before disconnecting", I spoke the truth and shrugged.

He stayed quite.
" their something you forgot? Why did you call?", I asked with hesitation as the silence was uncomfortable.
"Forgot? Nah, this person just ran away from me.....", He spoke from the other side. I instantly knew he was talking about me.

"My Arrogant Boss". | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now