Chapter 15.

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[Your Point of View]

I felt someone was massaging my hair. I held the hand assuming it to be Jade's.

"Jade......", I mumbled without opening my eyes. She didn't reply but I continued anyway.
"Taehyung has arranged the breakfast date...... I'm nervous........I don't even know what to wear......I wish to hide within these blanket.......", I spoke in a low raspy voice.

I was lying on my stomach and my face buried into the fluffy pillow.
"Wish you would have been this candid while talking to me, as you do to Jade.......", My eyeballs popped out at the voice. I was sleepy no more.

My heart was thumping within my chest. I shut my eyes and buried my face much deeper into the pillow. He laughed, would say the best sound I've heard ever. Or maybe I'm just in love,

Is it normal to find everything attractive when you have feelings for other person? I just have read it in fictions.

"So are we spending the whole day at Jade's place?", He spoke, he wasn't laughing anymore and I already missed that sound.
"Why are you here?", My voice was muffled.

He didn't speak anything for a second but the other second the pillow was removed away from my face. My eyes finally saw the bright light of the room.

I looked up at his face. He was looking fetching, as he always did.

"Would you like to go on the breakfast date? You can wear whatever you are comfortable in, I've seen you in your most mundane look......", He spoke gently. Unusual but felt good.

He stood up from the bed, he was wearing a loose black shirt over a pair of jeans, his chest was peeking as his first two buttons were unbottoned, way too casual but perfectly suits my taste. He was looking striking.

"Apology for interrupting your scrutinizing me but may I get a reply?", He spoke drifting me off him. I furrowed concealing my embarrassment.

"Do you want to go on the date or should we leave home?", He asked sincerely.

My furrow deepened.

"Why are you here so early?", I questioned sitting back.
"Because I'm never late now leave the bed and get ready", he said and started to move outside of the room.
"Is this how to talk to your girlfriend?", I furrowed at his cold gesture.
"Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom and make you bath?", He asked, his expressions were sincere.

Why did I even agree to date him?!

"Nah, fortunately God has blessed me with two legs", I spoke with a wide smile.
"That's festive to know!", He exclaimed, returning my sarcasm.

He walked out closing the door behind.

I scrunched my nose and simultaneously groaned.

I picked up my cellphone to call up Jade.

"What should I wear for this date??!!", I spoke as soon as she picked the call.
"Let me breath my child, okay what did you say?", She asked.

"He side he's fine with whatever I'm wearing right now but I really need an outfit, for this breakfast date, can I have your clothes?!", I asked but received a little chuckle from her.

"What??", I whined. She was annoying just like this rude boss slash boyfriend but I love both of them.
"You are cute, never seen you this confused.....", She let out another laugh.
"Now may I know what clothes from your closet am I allowed to use?", I asked her respectfully.
"That closet is all yours, take whatever you like", she answered.

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