Chapter 24.

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"Mom I'm not ready for a relationship", I said for the hundredth time.

"You can tell me if you like someone but if you don't then you should try meeting Seth, he's a nice boy, okay?", I sighed.

"Fine.....", I agreed. I had to move on from Taehyung and what if Seth really turned out to be that guy for me?

"Love you darling, I'll tell him to contact you", she said before we hung up.

I leaned back in my chair. Half of the staff was gone but I didn't want to leave yet. The air of that house was suffocating but I couldn't change places either. Mom would know and then she would be worried plus the explanation Taehyung's mom would ask for, she would perhaps blame Taehyung.

I checked if my emails were yet answered, those related to my new job applications.

My neck ached and I had no updates either. I shut the screen of my laptop and lied head-down over it. Thousand things were revolving around my head. Being a single child was exhausting. Mom was alone there in the town. I couldn't physically support her when she needed me the most and things here weren't doing very well either.

Dating my boss was the worst idea. I was going through the consequences, the breakup and now I had to see him everyday.

I was wishing Seth to turn out to be a nice guy, if not anything more, he would give me a reason to get over Taehyung. I didn't want to play him by making him a rebound. The ideal was — to come clean to him. To tell him about my breakup and how I'm trying to move on.

"This office isn't your home—", I immediately sat straight, Taehyung was here and I thought he left.

He scanned my face before continuing.

"If you are done for today you should leave", he said. I was expecting him to leave but he kept standing there.

I collected my things and walked towards the elevator. I heard him following as well.

We were quiet the whole time. When I walked out of the lift, my phone rang with an unknown number. Low key I was expecting it from Seth. And I turned out right.

"Hello, this is Seth",

"Y/n speaking, mom mentioned you on our latest phone call", I tried to sound interested.

"Here's the car—", Taehyung spoke when he changed direction. I looked at him confused.

"Get in", he said irritatedly. I tightened my jaw but immediately calmed myself and walked to him.

"Give me a moment Seth", I said politely before turning the call on mute.

"What's the deal?", I asked my boss.

"Foremost, you are so careless and unfortunately mom told me to drive you home if we are leaving office at the same time, I'm hoping that you remember?", I rolled my eyes and stepped inside the car.

He took the driver's seat and started driving while I unmuted and continued the conversation with Seth.

"Is something up?", He asked.

"Nah just someone annoying up here", I eyed Taehyung who passed me a quick glare but I ignored it.

"I am in your city right now, had a football match. Although we lost and our team thought this city was bad luck but now that we are talking, I think it's really an interesting city", he laughed briefly. My lips curved a little at his words.

"My Arrogant Boss". | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now