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"TOPPER!" I shout as Sarah, Rafe, Kelce and I were standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Topper so we could head out to the Kegger.

"What's taking you so long?? You don't have any facial hair so it's not like you gotta shave." Rafe calls out and i spit out a laugh.

Topper jogs down the stairs wearing a white polo and i raise an eyebrow, "Who the fuck wears white to these things? You're gonna get it stained." I scold as i look at him.

"I have others." He sighs as he walks past us and heads outside.

I roll my eyes as i follow after him and climb into Rafe's car, Topper was in the passenger seat, Rafe in the drivers and Sarah climbed in the car next to me in the back seat.

I climb out of Rafes car along with Sarah, Topper and Kelce. The kegger looked the same as it did last year, Kooks, Pogues, and the random tourists kids were all sitting around laughing and drinking.

Sarah and Topper walked off together and i turn to Rafe, "Come get me a drink." I say with a smile as i drag him over to a group of people sitting on the beach with red solo cups filled with all different types of alcohol.

When we get to the group i notice the two boys from the beach yesterday, A blonde boy i didn't quite recognize, and Kiara, i certainly remembered her, and how much she hated my guts.

"Well well, The kook princess returns." The blonde says as he examines me.

I raise an eyebrow as i look at him, "And you are?" I ask as he hands me a drink.

"Ouch you don't remember me?" He says with a dramatic gasp as he puts his hand over his heart, "You may remember me as the friend of the girl you humiliated last year." He says as he looks at me.

I look down at the ground and was about to say something when Rafe grabs onto my arm, "Cmon let's go." He grumbles.

We start to walk away and i look up at him, "Do people seriously hate me?" I ask and he looks down at me, "Dont worry about the pogues, they'll hold a grudge for something you did when you were two years old." He says with a laugh as he starts walking towards another group of people.
I give him a small smile and follow after him.

A few hours later it was getting darker and the moon had risen above my clouds.
I sat with Sarah by the fire holding onto my 3rd drink of the night.

"Do you guys wanna head out?" A voice asks and i turn my head to see Topper and Kelce standing behind us.

I nod as i get up, "Yeah, i have a terrible headache." I groan.

"And this probably isn't helping." Kelce says as he grabs the drink from my hand.

I frown as i follow after them, we were walking past the group of pogues when jj was suddenly standing in front of us.

"Hey sarah, may i interest you in a tasty milwaukee beverage?" He asks as he holds out the cup in sarah's direction.

Sarah shakes her head, "Um no thanks we were actually just leaving." She says quietly.

JJ then turns towards me and smirks, "You want it?" He asks, "I'm good." I say as i push the cup back towards him.

"I'll take it." Topper says as he steps in front of me, "Sorry man didn't ask you." jj shrugs.

jj and Topper start arguing over some stupid shit, i mostly tune them out cause listening to their pointless fight was like nails on a chalkboard.

I look up when i heard louder shouting and saw that a crowd had gathered around something, pushing past the groups of people i get the the inside of the circle and see Topper circling the guy from the beach.

I sigh as i watch Topper throw a punch at him, "LETS GO JOHN B." He shouts as John B recovers from the punch and lunges at Topper.

I wasn't really worried as i watched them, Topper got himself into a lot of fights and he always came out just fine. My mom never really liked me hanging out with Topper as i was growing up because she thought he was a bad influence on me, she might've been right but he sure as hell has taught me a lot more then some preppy boarding school.

I watched as they continued swinging at each other and looked up as a distressed looking Kiara shouted at John B to stop. She looked almost the same as she did 10 months ago but it was clear she had sprouted up in size.

Kiara looked up and stopped shouting for a second when her eyes made contact with mine, she glares at me and i give her the same look back but snap out of it when i hear even more shouting.

"STOP IT YOU'RE GONNA KILL HIM!" A voice shouts and i look up to see that Topper was holding John B's head underwater.

I push past the cluster of people who had gathered in front of me and run up to Topper.

I kneel down beside him, "Let go of him Top, he's not worth it." I say firmly.

I look at Topper face and notice his expression slightly change, he loosens his grip on John B's head but quickly tenses up when jj walks up to me.

My eyes widen as i see jj standing over Topper with a gun pressed against his head, "Yeahh you know what that is." jj snarls.

"JJ PUT THE GUN DOWN!" I shout as i slowly stand up, "Did you say something princess??" He yells and i can hear Sarah yelling from behind me.

Without thinking i punch jj hardly in the jaw and push him off of Topper, "If you even think about touching my brother again, i'll fucking kill you." I sneer.

I quickly grab onto Topper and pull him up, "We gotta get out of here." I whisper as i drag him out of the crowd.

Sarah and Rafe run up to us and we all start running towards the car, i stop suddenly when i hear a loud gunshot, "STAY THE HELL OFF OUR SIDE OF THE ISLAND!" jj shouts as he fires the gun into the air once again.

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCWhere stories live. Discover now