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Staring at the ceiling, I sigh as i roll over onto my side. JJ had been gone by the time i woke up, assuming he had other things he had to do, I'd gone back to sleep.

The sound of my alarm had made it impossible to continue my rest as the blaring sound seeped into my dreams.

I was startled awake by the sound of a loud knock on my door. I run my temple as a pulsing headache runs through my head.

The knocking starts up again and i swing my legs over the edge of the bed, "COMING!" I shout as i press my feet against the cold marble floor.
I quicken my steps as i near my door, grabbing onto the metal door handle, I twist it and pull open the door.

My mother was standing in front of me as I stare at her, "Good morning." I mutter.
"Nice of you to show your face around here once in a while." She says as she looks at me.

"Look, i have homewor-" I start to say, "I know you've been hanging around with that pogue boy." She says while she wrinkling up her nose, as if the thought of her daughter socializing with the under class made her sick.

"Yeah jj." I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as i wrap my arms around my waist, covering my bare stomach.
"John B is back, thankfully they arrested him just an hour ago." She sighs.

Shit. My first thought was to figure out how to prove that he was innocent, it's not exactly smart to try and go against Rafe, especially with Ward being so trusted around town.
I start to turn back into my room so i could go change but a hand wraps around my wrist before i could make it very far.

"I cant have you seeing him anymore." My mom says as she slowly lets go of my wrist.
"He's tied to a murderer Octavia, i don't need that influence around you."

"Glad to know you think so highly of me." I scoff as i look at her, "God i cant believe you think that one person is going to send me into a downwards spiral again."

"I got help mom, I'm fine."
"You know i didn't meant it like that." She sighs and I shake my head, "If you hate John B you should hate me too." I say quietly, "What if this was me mom?? What if i was the one arrested?" I ask.
"Octavia, you know we have resources-" She starts and I nod, "And i'm going to use those resources to prove that he's innocent." I brush past her as i walk into the hallway.

My mom calls out after me as i quickly move down the stairs, I get to the main door and pull it open before walking towards my car.


Word about the trial spread quick, most of the town was already at the court house as i pulled my car in front of the large white building.
The doors burst open as a large crowd of people pile out. I scan the crowd for a familiar face, All of a sudden i hear a shouting come from the crowd.
Kiara was shouting at Rose and Ward as JJ, Pope, and Sarah stood next to her.
Shoupe grabbed onto Kiaras shoulder and gestured her to leave the scene.

My eyes land on the blonde girl who's face was streaked with dry tears, I run over to my best friend of 12 years and wrap my arms around her. "Hey hey, what happened?" I ask as she grips onto my arms.

Sarah can barely get a word out so i look up at the others hoping for a clue to what was going on. "Death Penalty." Pope says quietly.

My heart drops to my stomach as I make sure i heard him right, "But- He's not 18 yet they can't." I start and JJ shakes his head, "They do whatever they want." He mutters.

I look up at JJ as he runs his hands through his hair, the bags growing under his eyes gave proof that he barely slept.

A few minutes later, Sarah had gone with Kiara to her car, Pope hung back with JJ and I.
"How did they find him." I ask quietly.
We were sitting near the courthouse, the sound of wind rustling created an eerie silence.

"Someone followed Sarah." JJ mutters as he draws small letter in the sand.
"We told her not to go see her dad, if she hadn't-" He starts to say and i shake my head, "It's not her fault, they already knew they were alive, it wasn't long before they found them."

"I don't want you dragged into this, your brother will kill me and it's distracting you from actually doing stuff with your life." He says and i raise an eyebrow as i look at him, "Since when do you care about that stuff?" I ask.

"Ever since i've realized i'm in love with you."

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCWhere stories live. Discover now