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My stomach drops as the words leave Kiaras mouth, "What?"

"How the fuck did you know??" I ask as i lower my voice.

"You'd be surprised what kind of rumors float around." She mutters and i feel my mouth drop open, "I swear to god if you tell anyone-"

"Octavia, I'm not going to tell anyone, you went through a lot when you had to do that, it's almost admirable." She says.

"Really?" I scoff and she nods, "No bullshit?" I ask and she gives me a small smile, "No bullshit."

AGE 14

pregnant. The stick reads as i take a shaky breath, I feel a tear slip down my cheek as i rub my eyes repeatedly, trying to make sure my brain wasn't playing tricks on me.

I open my eyes slowly and look down at the rest once again, the big plus sign shone even bolder in front of me.

I let out a scream as i ross the rest across the room, it clatters onto my bathroom floor as i slowly make my way out of the room.

Rafe was sitting on my bed and he looks up as i walk into the room.

I slowly nod my head and he stands up and wraps his arms around me, "It's ok." He whispers.

"No it's not fucking ok, my moms gonna kill me, my life is over, my whole life is over." I sob into his shoulder.

"You don't have to keep the baby." He whispers and i look up, "But i cant get an abortion without parental consent." I whisper.

"You can in certain states, I'll get you to a clinic." He says quietly.

"On the up side, Your kid won't have to deal with having Barry as a father." He says with a small laugh.

I wipe a small tear off my face and slowly take a step back, "Don't tell Barry about this alright?"

"Oh you know i won't." He says with a small smile.

"Let's get going then." Rafe says as he starts walking towards my bedroom door.


"I guess you don't have the easiest life huh?" Kiara asks and i shrug, "What gave you that idea."

"I always just thought you were some stuck up bitch who didn't care about anyone but herself." She says softly and i laugh, "Yeah that's what everyone thinks."

"With big John, you didn't meant it right?"

"I'm not a psychopath, I saw that Ward was in trouble and tried to help, really wish i hadn't done that now." I scoff.

"You know Rafe is a bad person right, I saw the way you were trying to stay behind to help him." She says as she crosses her arms.

"I know." I mumble.

"You know uh, jj and i...Well, we've known each other for awhile." Kiara says as she clears her throat.

I raise an eyebrow as i look at her, "Yeah, that's usually how friends work."

"The thing is, we might be more." She starts and i scoff, "Right."

"I didn't want to say this when Pope was around but, jj and i, something about us we just, we seem like so much more. And i'm only telling you this because of course i don't want you to get hurt." She says as her voice drips with fake sympathy.

"You're jealous." I state with realization.

"Of course i'm not jealous, i'm trying to protect you." She defends and i roll my eyes, "I was trying to get along with you but you're making that very difficult."

"He doesn't want you Octavia, you're just some stuck up rich kid that only cares for herself." She sneers.
"So was all that earlier, about you admiring the fact of what i've gone through, was that all one big lie??" I ask as i shake my head.

"Kinda trashy of you to get yourself knocked up at fourteen." She scoffs.

"And it's kinda trash of you to play with your best friends feelings like that, I see the way Pope looks at you. And this whole time you think you can just go and twirl your hair around your finger and bat your disgusting eyelashes at jj. I would never be threatened by you." I shout as i step closer towards her.

"I don't care if you try to get with jj, go ahead. Do it. See how it ends up for you." I say with a small smile.

Kiaras glare deepens as i step closer to her, "You're pathetic." I snarl, and without another word, I turn my head and walk off the porch.

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCWhere stories live. Discover now