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I could barely sleep last night, Topper went straight home but i didn't want to face my mother that late at night.

I slept, or tried to sleep in Kelce's guest bedroom. The whole time all i could think about was Rafe shooting Peterkin, it just kept replaying in my mind. Over and Over again.

Around 8am, I had had enough of that terrifying image playing in my mind.
Wanting to go to the one person i've grown to trust, I realized i had to make things right with jj, even though i'm pretty sure that was practically impossible.

I grab an extra bike from Kelce's garage and kick off the ground as i start peddling.

A few minutes later i was biking along another road in figure eight, when i heard my name get called, "Octavia!" A voice shouts.

I start to slow down and turn my head to see Kiaras parents walking down the street.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Carrera." I say with a small smile.

"Ms. Thornton." She greets back.

I give them both a small nod before looking back, "Hey, Do you happen to know where Kiara is?" I ask, knowing wherever she was, jj would be there as well.

"Pretty sure she's at the wreck." Her father says, looking at Mrs. Carrera for confirmation.

"Ok thank you." I say as i swing my leg back over my bike and start peddling the opposite direction.

I arrive at the wreck a few minutes later and rest my bike on the side of the building.

I take a deep breath before walking up the ramp towards the entrance, I push open the door and am met with, Pope, Kiara, And jj, all sitting at various tables. They seemed to be having a pretty serious conversation as i made my way into the restaurant.

Kiara looks up and quickly stands up, "What the hell are you doing here??" She sneers.

I look over at jj who's eyes were glued to the table.

"I just needed to-" I start to say but she starts walking towards me.

"You're a MURDERER!" She shouts as she lunges towards me, jj and pope stand up and attempt too stop her but failed miserably.

Instead of trying to fight back, I stand still as she runs towards me, I feel a strong force slap into my face and i stumble backwards.
I turn my head back towards Kiara and see the look of anger growing on her face.

Before i could take another breath, Kiaras fist made contact with my eye, as my head swings back, I let out a loud groan as i hold onto my eye.

The room had gone completely silent and i slowly look up, "Can't say i didn't deserve that." I say with a small laugh.

When no one makes a sound, I clear my throat, "Um, I just wanted to talk with jj for a bit."

"You need to leave." Popes eyes narrow as he looks at me.

"It's alright." jj says as he looks at Pope.

He starts walking towards the door, still not bothering to look at me.

I slowly follow after him as he exits the restaurant.

"I know i'm the last person you want to see right now, but I seriously can't stop thinking about you, i don't know what the fuck you did to me but, these past few days have just been an emotional train wreck." I start to say.

jj looks out at the water as he leans on the wooden railing.

"I got in a situation with Ward because he said he wanted my help for a project. I didn't realize what i was getting myself into, until it was too late. When big John decided that he wasn't going to give us our fair share of the cut, i'll admit i was pissed, i'd spent months trying to help him pull all of this shit together. I'd looked at Ward as a fatherly figure ever since my dad passed, and when i saw him losing a fight, I tried to help him out, I panicked when i realized that i had done, i didn't want him coming back into consciousness and telling the cops what had happened, i freaked out and hit him again, then ended up tossing him in the ocean." I say quietly.

"I never thought this would come out, Ward of course was panicking so he told my mom, that's why i got sent away, that's why i was so reluctant to get to know you, i couldn't get into anymore trouble or else it's back to boarding school." I say as i lean onto the railing.

"You're the only person besides my brother who's ever actually listened to me, but unlike Topper, you've never tried to lecture me and tell me what i'm doing is wrong, you've given me suggestions on how to change, I'm thankful for that, So thank you." I say with a small whisper as i start walking back towards my bike.

I had started trying to get used to going back to full kook, no more jj, no more helping out with their random missions, I couldn't get into any more trouble if i didn't want to get sent back to England.

I was about to grab onto my bike when i feel someone's hand wrap around my shoulder. I'm quickly spun around as jj's hand slowly moves up to my chin.

He grabs onto my chin before pulling himself towards me, causing our lips to connect.

too the other side ~  JJ MAYBANK X F OCWhere stories live. Discover now