Day 39-9: Horrors

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All eyes on them, Valentina and Avel dance to the slow, regal music. Those conducting the ceremony, who've given speeches, and those currently bearing witness to the Final Dance of the evening, chat amongst themselves in awe.

In voices too quiet to overhear, the languid notes drowning them out, the stars of the event engage in frivolous dialogue.

"Guess it's settled," Valentina murmurs, wryly. "After our kiss at the end of this dance, you'll become king, and the most powerful wizard."

"And I'll slit your neck, kill you, and return the throne to Mother," Avel finishes.

The two are quiet, for an interval too melancholic to mirror the enormous joy from the crowds behind them.

"This 'Divine Right' doesn't work one way, after all." Valentina half-smiles. "We've known, though. That those who wed automatically become the new Queen and King of Hearts. If I'm not slaughtered, I'll become the next Queen. I'll officially steal all of Mother's magical ability, and her life, the exact moment you become King. Why wouldn't you do away with me before that can happen? Annadia needs to become Mother's, after all."

As they spin, she peers into his downcast eyes.

"The same person who murdered his own father... Who'll do anything—use anyone as a stepping stone—for so it means Mother's will is passed on... is lamenting his half-sister's death? Don't make me laugh."

Avel musters a wry smile. "Trust me, Val, I understand excruciatingly well why you must meet your end."

"Are you jealous I'll be hoarding Mother's affection to the very last moment, then?" She cackles at the prospect. "You're that starved for love? Explains why you lured a hideous human to the palace, intent on making her your wife."

"You knew?"

"I'm sickeningly aware of your zany, womanizing nature. However, this was the first time you've outright defied Mother's wishes. Although Mother ended up getting what she wanted—her head as an asset to her gruesome wall—you're dissatisfied. You adhered to her request to rescue a filthy Spade when you could have easily forced her to bend to your whims. You had bountiful opportunities to keep her affection to yourself. The cold, heartless Avelious I know wouldn't have hesitated to abolish all obstacles to make it a reality." Her lips twist upward. "Unless, of course, she's the one?"

"Mother killed her before I had the chance to make it certain."

"You were bound to bore of her eventually, like every other girl you've ended up slaughtering." The heels of their shoes ease. "It may be inappropriate to speak this, here and now, but I wonder. I can't help but ponder the possibility... that if Mother's hex wasn't in affect, could we have led different lives? Would our tragedies have been avoided?"


"My existence is a blot. I'm not Mother's daughter, but the child of the man whose madness and affection wasn't refined enough to her liking. The reason I'm breathing is for this moment, and this moment alone. I strived and strived to earn her respect. Exhausted myself day in and day out to upstage you, while you snuck out of the palace and found ways to quell your boredom. I've killed and killed and killed for her, but only you has she praised. Mother will never love me, whether you slaughter me or not. But by dying, I'll finally have a use to her after all these years."

Although he wants to argue, the rebuttals don't arrive. Because it's true. They were tools from the moment they were born, and they will be until they breathe their last breath.

"To damn with this 'impregnable fortress'," she spits. "I hope that witch burns at the stake, and you burn with her."

"That's an awfully cruel way to say goodbye."

"Is this what you want?"

She's posed the question once, and only once, a long time ago. Back then, the answer came easily. An answer that's been engrained into him from birth.

"What I 'want' doesn't matter, Val," he says it word for word, his trademark smile carving his lips. "It never has. So long as Mother wills I kill you to become King, then I'll do it."

She snorts.

"Your true feelings are written plain as day on your face, but she robbed you of your ability to admit such sentiments, huh?" Her mouth upturns. "It's because you had those sentiments growing up, she put you through the horrors she did. Of course, you'll discard them. Of course, you'll forget the you from back then. Far worse than me, and the rest of Straeh... you're the one she messed up most."


Thank you so much for 10k reads! ;v;

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