Day 32-2: Duty

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DAY 32-2: DUTY

"These merchants have nothing useful." Avel flutters the empty sack.

   "As soon as they saw us they became terribly afraid." Orian reaches to his strands which sticks out remarkably beneath the setting sun. "Dropped their belongings and sprinted off. Perhaps we stand out too much?"

   It was a realization that frankly should've hit them sooner. A maniacal Heart, Herculean Spade, wolf Mond, and human—travelling side by side. It isn't a group anyone would consider standard.

   "Ugh... They didn't leave any pads..."

   Flat on the ground and groaning, Leda clutches her knees to her chest.

   "What's her condition?" Ro says.

   "Well," Avel responds, "she insists she's bleeding from 'down under' and has 'hellish cramps' as well."

   "'Hellish cramps'?"

   "Did Master receive grave injuries without our knowledge?" Orian cries.

   "There was no signs of this before," Avel insists. "Leda, hang on! I'll find a cure for you!"

   "Stop yelling," Leda grumbles, swatting them aside. "Let me stay curled here forever. Ugh... I'm going to die. My first days are always the worst."

   "Die?" Ro, albeit typically cool as a cucumber, gawps. "Is the pain that unbearable?"

   "Master...!" Orian sobs. "No! Please don't die!"

   Avel steps forward. "My dear, let me fly you to the nearest town."

   "It's already late." Ro stops him. "You're unfamiliar with directions. On top of that, I don't trust you alone with her. We'll camp here for the night."

"But Leda is going to...!"

   "Master Leda is going to...!" Orian whines with equally teary eyes.

   "Guys, I'll be fine." She tiredly drags her body upwards and cradles her abdomen. "I can survive until tomorrow."

   "But...!" Orian says.

   She waves it off then reclines against the nearby rock. "I'm using a ripped piece of cloth to stop the bleeding until I can find a proper substitute. Lutan is famous for trade, right? They should have something there."

   "I still need you, Leda," Avel pleads. "You promised to be my human wife so you can't die on me!"

   "I didn't promise shit."

   "Your vulgar tongue," Ro mumbles.

   "That all said! It's late and I'm tired." She drops her head straight onto the most comforting surface—Ro's lap. "At least until morning, let me use you as a pillow."

   "Hold—hold on!" Ro flushes. "Don't rest on me out of nowhere!"

   "Get your grimy hands off Leda!"

   "She's on me!"

   "Master Avel," Orian interjects, "maybe we should search these belongings one last time for good measure. We may be able to find something we missed."

   "Ergh—all right." He pursues Orian to the discarded items the merchants dropped amidst their hasty getaway, and shoots a glare over his shoulder. "I'm watching you, bastard!"

   Promptly after sending out murderous glances until out of an earshot, Ro readdresses the girl laying comfortably against him. With the sun casting the last of its rays and the shade of these rocks, breathing is infinitely easier compared to this morning.

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