Day 34: King

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The first thing Leda sees when she parts her eyelids is the sun's bright rays shining through her bedroom window. The trip back to the palace last night was brutal, as Ro and Avel kept arguing and throwing blows way well into town square, forcing the citizens to deduce it was a show worth clapping along to. And when they finally arrived, they were smothered by a warm welcome from Queen Sophia and Orian. Leda only managed a couple hours of rest, proven by how heavy her eyelids feel now.

She groans as she pushes herself upright, weaving a hand through her messy bed hair. A headache is prevalent, now pounding against her skull. Maybe she had too much to drink last night. Funny, when was the last time she got a hangover? She'd been swallowed by too much anxiety and stress lately she'd forgotten how often she'd used alcohol as an escape in the past.

On cue, she glances down at the garments she'd received from Queen Sophia. Even the bed she's lying in is way more lavish than her wildest dreams. Things have been rather lax lately but she and Orian have a little over thirty days to get the Revolc and Dia princes to agree to come back to assist Rhett.

Sure Edaps is safe now, but the same can't be said for Meisyr. Leda nudges aside her creeping thoughts. They had no time to waste. They had to head out as soon as tonight...

Right as Leda swings her legs over the bed, she's snagged by the arm and yanked back down. Astonishment courses through her, but in a flash, she lands on something firm—and it's not the cushiony mattress.

A chuckle fills the air. "Humans are rather defenceless."

   Before Leda can dare scream, he slaps his hand over her mouth.

Who was it? Avel? No, it definitely doesn't sound like him. He wouldn't dare try this, for that matter. Then who? What in the world happened to her last night? Did she get too drunk she accidentally fell into bed with somebody? It definitely isn't the first time.

   Focus, Leda, her subconscious hisses. You can't move! Now that he's slapped his hand on top your mouth, you can't call for help either!

She jabs her elbow into their well-built abdomen, but they don't flinch in the least. They're unduly strong.

   The strength of a Spade.

   "Hehe, if you act like that, you're just making me want to tease you more." He blows in Leda's ear, causing goosebumps to shoot up her body. Her heart pounds loudly in her ears. Her captor uses that exact moment to free her, laughing as he does. "I'm kidding, lil' human. Calm down."

   As soon as his hold is gone, Leda escapes to the furthest corner of the bed for safety. She sweeps him over once with her eyes and is automatically stricken.

He has tousled navy blue hair that hang over his ears, both thick and lustrous. His eyes are a mesmerizing amber, flecks of silvery light performing ballets throughout. His face is strong and defined, and although his dark eyebrows are sloped downwards he wears a playful smile, stretched back to his ears.

   He's identical to the prince she's become acquainted with for weeks now. So much so. And although Spades fundamentally look alike, this resemblance is uncanny. He isn't Ro, but you can sure argue otherwise.

"Leda, right?" Another nonchalant laugh leaves his mouth as he hops of the bed and stands appropriately. "Didn't mean to scare you. I sincerely wanted to meet the human lil' Ronan brought up but I guess I got carried away." He brightens. "I'm Ronan II, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The Second Prince drops his head in a mannerly gesture. Hand at his hip, he leans forward until she's inches from his smirking face.

"That aside... you're gorgeous. Dark hair and eyes. You even have cute brown skin. If lil' Ronan doesn't snatch you up I might have to."

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