Day 52-3: House of Cards

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   The masked boy who'd fallen from the tree is now silently quivering in the corner of her room. He's down on four limbs, his ominous mask instilling nothing but unease at the pit of her stomach.

   It hasn't been long since Leda let him in here but she already knows she's made the wrong decision.

   Then again, after his dramatic drop, a streamline of guards came hurtling into the area, adamant on securing the "wolf" that had run in this direction. Which led to this guy's blatant panic, where he raced up the tree and leapt through her open window, leading to her situation now.

   Although Leda has a ton of questions—primarily why this boy's head is accompanied by realistically fluffy ears, craning and twitching every now and again—she instead starts with: "You okay?"

   He flinches, much more vigorously than she anticipates. Then, he ducks in an attempt to hide from her.

   Her lengthy eyelashes flutter seamlessly as she spares her attire a glance. How hideous does she look for him to be so scared? Or is it her odour? Sure, taking a shower at the moment sounds blissful, but knowing Nia and that uppity Rhett, the idea may as well be unattainable. The two can barely give her answers on her whereabouts, let alone a shower.

Regardless, the idea currently swimming in Leda's mind is much more pressing. Can it be this boy is the "wolf" this entire tower has been in a disarray to find? One can argue his ears have a wolf essence to them; they are sticking out from the top of his head, after all. Plus, if Rhett can possess a nose resembling a toucan, then maybe the notion that they're real isn't so improbable after all.

But, half-animals, half-humans? Such a thing can only be possible through imagination. Leda can admit to not having the brightest mind, but even she isn't gullible enough to fall for such fantasy.

   Thinking about her situation along the same lines, however, only erases that notion.

   How she should've been dead and yet ended up here, trapped within this gorgeous tower. Nia and Rhett's formal yet enigmatic manner of speech. And now this boy.

Anyone with working brain cells can decipher this unbelievable place is not her home city.

Not that she wants to believe she's been kidnapped to some foreign land...

The boy hasn't halted his shuddering. Nor does he make the motion to look anywhere in her direction.

   Seeing him so frightful of her allows Leda's features to fall flat. She averts her focus, out the window toward the distant shouts belonging to those guards. Then, eyebrow twitching, her last sliver of patience wears thin. Hands to her hips, she refocuses her attention downward.

"You don't have to shake so much," she says, exasperation slipping into her tone. "I'm sure you realize since you're from here and seem to be aware that I was in that cage over there, but I'm not exactly harmful. If anything, I should be the one shaking and begging you to spare my life."

The boy stiffens. His head twists, and once again, his eerie mask is on her. It's almost blood-curdling and works to remind her of various antagonists in horror films. With it on, deciphering his intentions and facial expression is impossible.

   Shoulders sagging, Leda purses her lips. Is he really so afraid of her that he can't muster any words?

"I-I apologize."

She perks straightaway. His shaking has lulled considerably, but his definitely youthful, higher-pitched tone remains apprehensive as he rises to his feet.

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