Day 35: Spades

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   Despite retaining its breathtaking nature, the city of Depree remains a barren land. No crops or fruit, animals curled and dying in widespread areas. Even the massive line of Spades attempting to enter the capital stretching behind the citadel gates has grown tenfold, each citizen barely managing to stand by themselves. This time, it's the same for the guards, who, by will alone, remain firm statues by the gates.

   Each Spade withholds gasps when Avel hops off of Grimm alongside the quacks from their respective modes of transportation. He doesn't put on any affected airs and briskly strides by Orian and Leda's sides. None of the onlookers put up a fight, or rather, can't—not with the Third Prince accompanying them into Depree.

   Surprisingly, neither Ro nor Avel argue during the journey toward the Edaps palace. The guards who follow them aim their spears at Avel's head as they stroll through, but none are stupid enough to attack. And Avel accepts all the glares and animosity with a happy-go-lucky smile.

   When they finally arrive, nerves heightened to the extreme, learning of the King's well-being is like a breath of fresh air. Apparently the Heart who had spread the news had caught wind of the plague raging through Edaps made up the rumour that the King had passed. Nonetheless, Avel, with a single wave of his staff and the help of the healthy enough citizens around Edaps alongside the Heart quacks, distributing the antidotes is an easy task. It travels from coast to coast in the timespan of fifteen hours, and by the time three days roll around, Edaps is reborn.

   Not only the kids, but the vegetation and animals. Everything that had once been stained with this disease is entirely altered, as if it never existed to begin with. Leda can't be more glad that Ro is able to reconnect with his family, and Orian who receives suffocating attention from the doctors is now back in top shape.

   Edaps transforms into the kingdom it once was—full of lively vigour and energy. Everyone is family. Their care for one another is sweet and smothering, unlike the icy haven of Straeh.

Strolling through the city square on her own, three days later, Leda comes to realize that for the umpteenth time.

   "Hey, human!" Leda shifts on her toes and almost fumbles when an old man thrusts a basket of fruits to her. "You were with His Highness Ronan III, weren't you? Take some of these with you to the palace for me. They were just freshly picked and he's always enjoyed these the most."

   Leda returns his wide smile and gathers the load into her arms. "Oh, thank you," she tells him.

   "Take some of these as well." This time it's a lady, and she's tossing blankets on top of the basket before Leda can come to terms with it. "The King needs to rest and what says relax better than these freshly woven comforters?"

   "Oh, if you're delivering to the palace, take these to the First Prince for me!"

   A crowd forms around her in an instant, giddy children and adults badgering her with supplies.

   "Tell the Second Prince it's from Rana in central square!"

   "Queen Sophia loves these so be sure she accepts them!"

   "Miss, give Prince Ronan III our thanks!" Two siblings, Naka and Nara flash Leda a toothy grin as they hand her a toy. "We didn't have to say goodbye after all!"

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