Day 32-1: Double-Up

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"Men, we have a problem."

Even as three figures hover above him, the purple-haired prince remains flat on his back, beneath the shade of a nearby boulder. Tongue dangling from his mouth, eyes shut tight, face sheen with undoubted sweat. Despite having stripped from his coat to a white button down dress shirt, he remains the embodiment of exhaustion.

"I said I was sorry," he rasps.

Wind stirs up the wispy sand, the sun's boiling rays beating down as an unforgiving torture.

"Sorry won't bring back our only source of water you stupid Heart."

"I was thirsty! And the water wasn't even cold or refreshing!" He struggles to rise from the minuscule shade only to collapse onto his back again. "Leda, it's way too humid out here! I'm sweaty! I'm tired! Carry me in your arms!"

Leda wants to sigh, but even breathing in this stifling heat proves to be a difficult task. Over the course of her time in Annadia, it's become obvious temperature is especially fickle. They departed from Straeh a little over a day ago—shortly after dropping off Grimm and the land documents to Avel's sister—and they'd already found themselves in the thick of this barren desert.

She runs her tongue along her dried lips. "Avel—"

   "Leda, do not listen to this blubbering fool." While she herself had changed into the loosest and lightest clothes she'd scrabbled from Edaps, Ro is fitted in a blue turtleneck and robe. Not a single gleam of sweat appears on his skin but it's apparent he's uncomfortable. A feat she should've expected from a superhuman Spade. "Although his magic isn't useful enough to summon food and water, levitation is well within his range."

"I'm too exhausted to levitate!" Whining, Avel flails his arms and legs. "It's hot! I can't breathe! I'm gonna die!"

"Then die."

He emits a grunt. "I'd seriously rip out your tongue if I weren't suffering from this heat you damn Spade."

"It's understandable you aren't accustomed to this sudden change of climate." Orian crouches at his side and gently aids him up. Casting him a soft smile, he goes on, "You've been inside Straeh your entire life, haven't you? Tell us if you ever get too overwhelmed. We can stop to rest. Though, at least for now, we should push ourselves until we arrive somewhere with civilization so we can restock. Without basic necessities, we'll be goners."

"Orian...! This is why I like you a whole lot more than that ignoramus over there!"

Ro pops a nerve. "Who are you calling a—"

"How about you, Ro? Orian?" Leda asks before they can dare break out into another duel. She dealt with enough of that madness. She fans herself with her hand. "I'm overheating as we think but I think I can live through this a tad longer."

"This humidity isn't much," Ro replies, left eyebrow still twitching as he shifts his gaze to her. "I've encountered worse when I went on expeditions with my brothers in the past. More so, when I had to bundle up for months to conceal my illness from my people."

Orian nods as well, once back on his feet. "I'm fine as well. Do not worry about me, Master."

Of them all, Orian definitely is the least affected, that much is obvious. Leda can't help but ask, "Is Dia a warm kingdom as well?"

The question is evidently one he doesn't expect. His hesitation lasts a moment, but he rids all traces of it with a meek smile. "Dia... is more of a jungle, so there are times the temperature raises beyond the expected. However, I wouldn't be too sure."

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