Day 38-1: Bet

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DAY 38-1: BET

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DAY 38-1: BET

Glasses clink against one another. The entire room indulges in their fair share of liquor. The bass of the blaring music thumps in coordination with Leda's heartbeat. Over the roar of noise, hazy, boisterous chatter can be perceived. She can't make out any words, but the Hearts gathered here sure know how to party.

   Even now, the events of yesterday are a feverish dream. The one who'd perpetrated an unexpected coup d'état was none other than Valentina Hestia. This obnoxious princess had no intention of giving in to Estelle's wishes and lived her entire life admiring the throne. The chaos and disorder at the palace worked in her favour. She used it to her advantage to assassinate her. Mavix, who's never been in support of Estelle, had taken out the 5 Holy Sorcerers. Blaze kept General Uno occupied. Although Leda hadn't grasped the nitty gritty details, at that moment, upon learning of the fall of Queen Estelle, these loyal subjects accepted it quite easily.

   "Oh, so she's dead?"

   "It's only reasonable the weaker mage dies at the hands of the stronger one. She was bound to forfeit the throne eventually."

   "All hail our new Queen!"

   Death has always been brushed aside in this kingdom. The citizens have endured the deaths of numerous rulers. Each time, they shrugged it aside, and welcomed their new monarch with open arms. Their brainwashed allegiance, unbothered shrugs, and now this passionate, lighthearted party.

Estelle had spent years crafting the most heartless nation. Surely, it was backfiring on her now.

   Leda finds herself outside, down the icy halls and towards the main entrance of the palace. The security is lax today, majority of the guards inside and bustling, as if these past of couple of days haven't occurred.

The wind is frozen on her skin, delicate and cold, but refreshing nonetheless. Although the sky is washed with grey, thin, multicoloured particles of magic sprinkle in from above. The pristine and glistening snow crunches beneath her boots. She'd spent the past week running for her life she'd forgotten just how beautiful this winter fortress is.


An arm is flung around Leda's neck before she can turn around. Her heart picks up in trepidation only to be silenced by a merry laugh.

"Sorry, sorry, was my hold too tight?" Paola retreats, a hand going to her hips as she emits a boisterous belly-laugh. "I always forget to hold back. Forgive me."

Leda caresses her neck as she properly faces this general. She carries a large bottle of liquor and downs a gulp before flashing a pearly smile.

"Still, you're acquainted with Her Majesty Valentina and His Highness Avel?" She laughs. "I'm aware they placed you and your comrades under protection, so you've been treated and are free to wander Straeh at your leisure, but can I ask how you're still alive? I sliced your head off with as much gusto I could manage."

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