The Sequel Is Out!

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Update: I've temporarily taken down the sequel to rewrite the first couple of chapters since I wanted to make some changes but I will be reposting it again very soon!


Hi, everyone!

How long has it been? Quite a while, unfortunately. Although I'm suffering from a really bad case of writer's block, I've decided that maybe the best way to get over it is to throw caution to the wind and finally release the sequel to Four Suits! So I have! XD

It's up on my profile, under the title Royal Flush. Chapters will be released very soon! :D

It's a direct continuation of where this book left off. There'll be new kingdoms to explore, new characters/love interests to meet, more romance to develop, and much more conflict/action/twists.

Honestly, I can't thank you all enough for the support on this book. We're at 46k reads!!! A little less than 4k reads until 50k, which is crazy to imagine.

Some of you have genuinely brought me to tears with the absolute sweetest messages about how much you've enjoyed this story and its characters, and honestly, I can't thank you enough for giving this story a chance! Really, thank you!! 🥹

I've left some of you hanging for years so I hope at least a few of you are still around to read the sequel. I'll do my best to do it justice and finally bring this series to a finish after all this time!

There's still a lot more in store for this world and the characters, like A LOT, so do enjoy!

Hope to see you there! ❤️


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