It Just Happened - In the Foyer

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Before he had kids running around his house, Bruce Wayne was a lady's man. From the time he was eighteen, he was rarely seen in public without a pretty girl on his arm.

But what was more impressive was his self-proclaimed superpower of being able to spot gold-diggers and scam artists from five miles away. He'd considered it his most valued skill for quite some time.

He couldn't afford for one of these women to show up months later with a child. So he was careful. But apparently, he hadn't been careful enough.


The backyard of Wayne Manor was buzzing with joyous energy. It was a rare sunny summer day in Gotham, and the Wayne boys were engaged in a Nerf gun war.

Tim pressed his back to a tree and scanned the yard. His brothers were nowhere to be seen, but he knew they were around somewhere.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a head of black hair duck behind the gazebo. It was too fast to be Jason, plus he would've just charged. Tim smirked as he made his advance to where Dick was hiding.

As soon as he'd made it within range, Dick was up and shooting wildly. Tim screamed and ran back towards the trees. They would provide adequate cover while he came up with a new plan. "Banzai!" Jason yelled, throwing himself from the tree he'd been perched in and landing with a tuck and roll.

Tim was taking fire from both sides now. His only chance to retreat to the safety of the garden shed. The door would be locked, but there was a loose board that only he would be small enough to squeeze through.

He was so close, but of course, his ammo belt chose this exact moment to come loose and wrap around his feet. He flipped over as his brothers aimed their weapons at him, grinning gleefully.

"Told ya sabotaging his belt would work." Jason gloated. "Ready to surrender?" Dick smirked. "Never." Tim resisted. "You're surrounded with no chance of escape. I thought you were smarter than that Babybird?" Jason taunted.

"I am." The youngest boy grinned as his brothers found themselves being pelted with foam bullets from behind. Dick and Jay fell to the grass, dropping their weapons. When the assault ended, they looked up to see their father, wielding a Nerf gun of his own and laughing.

"We win!" Tim cheered, leaping into Bruce's arms only to be hoisted to his shoulders. "No fair. He didn't say he was playing." Jason pouted. "All's fair in love and war, Bluejay." Bruce smiled as he pulled his two older boys to his sides. "Nice fake-out Timmy." Dick grinned up at his little brother, who was beaming with pride.

"Master Bruce." They all heard Alfred call from the back doors. "You have a visitor." "You three go wash up for lunch." He smiled at the boys as he lowered Tim from his shoulders, and they all ran off.


"Sorry to keep you-" Bruce stopped short as he entered the foyer.

In front of him stood the definition of traditional beauty. Her brown locks curled around her shoulders when she turned around. Her stiletto heels clicked on the tile in quick snaps that commanded attention. Her top reviled just enough cleavage for Bruce to have to remind himself where her eyes were.

"Hello Beloved." She smiled seductively. "What do you want Talia?" Bruce deadpanned. He had little patience for Talia anymore. "Good to see you too." She sighed. "I don't have much time. The League of Assasins has fallen, and my Father is dead."

"Ra's?" Bruce asked, raising an eyebrow. "How many fathers did I have?" Talia snapped. "I'm sorry." Bruce apologized. An irritated Talia was the last thing he needed. "He wouldn't want me to morn, and I didn't come for your pity." Talia made a small motion in the direction of the door, and a black-haired boy stepped out of the shadows. He stood beside Talia like a soldier at ease.

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