The Accident

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Being the energetic people person he was, Dick often insisted on family bonding days. The activities ranged from training in the Cave together too weekend long movie marthons.

While his brothers didn't always see the point, Dick was convincing and tended to get his way. Fortunately, he hadn't needed to do much convincing to get them to agree to a day at the amusement park. The older boys all loved a good thrill ride, and Damian had never been. It was perfect.

Alfred dropped them off and would pick them up after. The day was off to a great start.

Tim had concocted a plan based on the park's layout that would allow them to ride all the best rides without having to wait too long in lines. Jay and Damian destroyed the carnival games and won the big prizes. Dick even coxed everyone into a photobooth for goofy pictures. For once, they were all high energy.

As they waited in one of few long lines, Damian kept bouncing on his toes. But while he was on a bit of an adrenaline high, it wasn't the reason he couldn't hold still. "Grayson?" He pipped up, pulling on his brother's shirt. "I have to use the bathroom."

Tim and Jason groaned. "We've been in line for almost an hour." Jason griped. "Can't you hold it?"

"You guys hold our spots. I'll take him." Dick offered, trying to stop the fight before it could start. "But we're next." Tim pointed out. "There's no way you'll be able to get to the bathrooms and back in time."

Damian felt a pang of guilt as he saw Grayson's face fall for half a second. The older boy had been talking about this ride imparticular all day. Damian refused to be the cause of his unhappiness. "Nevermind. I can wait." He said with resolve.

"You sure Dami? I don't mind-" Dick started, but his little brother shook his head. "I can control my bodily functions for the duration of this ride." Dick smiled and ruffled Damian's hair.

The ride was an awesome combination of laser tag and haunted house. The riders sat in carts that drove around the course while they had to shoot down bizarre creatures with their 'laser guns.'

Damian grinned wildly as he shot down two of the bigger creatures. This was almost as much fun as patrol. The boy yelped as one of the monsters jumped out at him. He grabbed the person sitting next to him before remembering it was just a game.

He felt his whole body get warm as Drake smirked at him then shot the offending animatronic.


The boys all chattered excitedly as they walked through the dark hall leading to the exit. As Damian made a move to catch up to his brothers, he felt the warm dampness on his legs. He backed up to a wall and sank into a ball on the floor. This was beyond humiliating. What's worse, it had been completely avoidable.

"Hey Little D, you coming?" Dick called when he realized the youngest had fallen behind. He spotted his brother curled up on the floor and ran over to him. "Dami, what's..." He trailed off as he spotted the dark stain on his brother's shorts. "Oh Damian, you really had to go, didn't you?" He whispered.

The little boy nodded, and a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Jason and Tim had joined them by now and could clearly figure out what was wrong. "So much for controlling your bodily functions." Jason snorted, to which Dick glared at him, and Tim elbowed him in the gut.

Dick pulled off his sweatshirt and wrapped it around Damian's waist. "I'm sorry Dami. I should have taken you when you said you had to go." Dick apologized and lifted his brother into his arms. Damian buried his head in Dick's neck as he took him to get cleaned up.

The rest of the afternoon was decidedly less fun. Jason deemed it his responsibility to crack a joke at Damian's expense every few minutes. By the time Alfred came to pick them up, the mood of the day was officially soured.


With Bruce off-world with the League, Dick and Alfred resolved to let Damian blow off steam in The Cave for the rest of the day. But when the boy did not come up for dinner, Dick decided this had all gone on long enough.

"You need to go apologized." He told Jason firmly. "What for?" He asked incredulously. "His ego got knocked down a few pegs. That's hardly my fault."

"You didn't need to tease him all day though." Tim countered. "Are you kidding me?" Jason demanded. "The Demond Brat insults our intelligence, our fighting skills, our right to live here on a daily basis, and the one time I hurt his little feelings, I'm the bad guy?!"

Dick and Tim frowned at him, but it wouldn't work. Jason was not going to be guilt-tripped this time.

He turned to head to his room, but Alfred stood at the door with a look between threatening and disappointment. Jason's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Fine, I'm going." He huffed and dragged his feet to The Cave.


Damian tour through the training dummies with a vicious lividity. He was infuriated that his body would betray him in such a way and in public, no less. He was angry at Grayson for suggesting the stupid bonding day. He was furious at his father for adopting Todd in the first place.

He was breathing heavily as he stood over the shredded remains of dummies wishing he could do this to the person he was most mad at. "Dad's not gonna be happy he has to get new targets so soon." A smug voice called, and Damian turned to glair at the intruder.

How dare Todd come in and try to joke with him. Did he exist solely to toucher?

"Mind if I join you for a bit?" Jason asked. "You can have the whole ring. I'm done." Damian muttered, sheathing his katana. "Aw, my baby brother doesn't want to play with me? I'm crushed." Jason grinned. Damian let out a feral-sounding growl and went to change.

Jason sighed. Clearly, the half-hearted approach was not going to cut it this time around.

As soon as Damian stepped out of the changing room, Jason grabbed him around his waist and tossed him over his shoulder. "What do you think you're doing, Todd?" Damian demanded, pounding his fists on his brother's back. Jason ignored his protests and carried the boy all the way up to his room.

Jason locked his bedroom door, cutting off escape, and threw Damian onto his bed. "What is the meaning of this?" The smaller boy demanded. Jason sat on the edge of his bed.

"Look, Damian, I'm sorry ok?" Damian was taken aback. Todd never called him by his actual name and never apologized. "As funny as I thought your little accident was, I shouldn't have milked it all day. I of all people should know better."

"And why is that?" Damian asked, his anger fading to curiosity. Jason let out a long deep sigh.

"When I was eight, Bruce took me and Dickie to the amusement park. We had a great time, but when we were standing in line for the bathroom, one of those park mascot things came over to entertain the kids.

I really had to pee, so I wasn't paying attention to his act. Then out of nowhere, he jumps up in my face, and the next thing I know, I'm standing in a puddle. The kids behind us in line were all laughing.

I looked over at Dickie expecting him to be laughing too but he was yelling at them to shut up and mind their own business. Bruce didn't yell or scold me. Just took me to get cleaned up. He even said it was ok."

Both boys sat in silence for a while. "Consider yourself forgiven." Damian said eventually. Jason grinned and pulled his brother into his lap for a nuggie.

"You know it's kinda late. You wanna just sleep here?" Jason offered, scooting further onto his mattress. "You gonna wet the bed?" Damian smirked. "I won't if you won't." Jason laughed as the two of them got comfortable under the sheets.

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