Cold Turkey Trauma

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Bruce looked positively menacing as he passed back and forth in front of his sons. The boys themselves were trying not to look guilty, but that was particularly difficult with their hair askew and their food-stained formal wear hanging off them.

They all flinched as their father suddenly stopped and stared them down. Usually, they would take comfort in the fact that this lecture was happening in Bruce's study and not The Cave, but with the hard batglairs they were getting, they definitely had something to worry about.

"Every time I think I can trust you boys to behave for one night...." He stared, then stopped to pinch the bridge of his nose. "What was this fight even about?!" He snapped. "What on earth was so important as to bring all four of you rolling around on the floor, destroying the entire banquet hall, in front of guests?!"

The boys glanced between each other. If they were being honest, they didn't really remember how the fight had started, only that it had ended with them crashing into the desert table.

"You know what? It doesn't even matter." Bruce said when none of the boys dared to answer. "I just hope it was worth it while you're serving your punishments." He moved to the top of the line.

"Dick, it's high time someone updates and reorganizes the files on the Batcomputer. If you put in a few hours every day, it should only take a month. And when you're done, you can reintegrate the system with the security at Wayne Enterprises." Dick opened his mouth to protest but decided against it.

"Jason," Bruce continued, "I think it's high time you refamiliarize yourself with hand-to-hand combat. By this time tomorrow, every gun you have ever owned will be locked away in a secure undisclosed location. And that includes the ones in your secret hiding places you thought I didn't know about."

Damian could help but snicker as his older brother sputtered in anger. Bruce whirled to face his youngest. "I'm glad you think it's funny Damian, because your swords will be there too." The boy immediately straightened up. "But my training-" He started.

"You won't have much time for training with all the playdates I'll be arranging for you and your classmates. You can train your people skills." Damian was fuming as Bruce moved to stand in front of Tim.

The boy kept his head down. He hadn't meant to fight with his brothers. He was the good child. This wasn't him. Still, here he was, awaiting sentencing with the rest.

"Timothy, I'm going to chalk your involvement to lack of sleep impairing your judgment. As such, you are on a caffeine cleanse until further notice. That includes coffee, energy drinks, all of it. Alfred will have it under lock and key here. I have given the school staff strict orders not to let you get your hands on it during the day, and if you try to source it from anywhere else, you will be sorry."

"Bu-but h-h-how am I supposed to work? I-I-I need to stay awake." "I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Tim didn't even register Bruce releasing them until he felt a hand guide him from the room. His brothers were staring at him with concern etched across their faces. Even Damian looked as though he felt bad for the boy. Tim took a shaking breath as he clenched and unclenched his fist.

Whatever that fight had been was nowhere near worth it.


Bruce had not been kidding about making Tim go cold turkey. Alfred was firm about the new rule and tried to reason that it would Tim some good. Every teacher in every class checked his bag when he walked into the room, and Tim had the feeling that if they did catch him with something, it would be slapped out of his hands.

Within a week's time, Tim was going through life as a zombie. He was dozing off in class and nodding on patrol. He completely passed out at dinner one night and woke up in his bed the next morning, just as drained. The worst of it was that even with the forced extra sleep, Tim was hardly resting.

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