The First's First Day

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When Bruce decided to adopt Dick, he promised to give him everything he could ever need. And he did. It was only Alfred's good sense that stoped the new father from spoiling his little boy rotten.

Even so, Bruce knew that giving his son the best meant more than buying him toys and taking him for ice cream. He had to prepare his son for life. So Dick was enrolled at Gotham Preparatory School.

While Bruce would not be able to keep as close an eye on Dick as he would have liked, the school did have the best educators in the state and a sparkling reputation.


Dick was already getting himself dressed when Bruce came to his room on the first day of school. "Dimineață Tati" (Morning Daddy.) Dick smiled cheerily. "Dimineața Dickie. Engleza la școală. Bine?" (Morning Dickie. English at school. Okay?) Bruce reminded his son gently.

Dick usually switched between Romanian and English at home, and while Bruce didn't want him to forget his heritage, he had to take into account that most people at his school would not be bilingual.

Bruce helped Dick tuck in his shirt and tie his tie, and the two of them headed down to breakfast. Dick practically inhaled his food at such a speed that Alfred had to remind the boy to breathe before he made himself sick. Alfred was smiling as he handed the eight-year-old his backpack. It seemed like only yesterday he was escorting Master Bruce to his first day at school, and now his first charge was seeing his own son off. How time flew.


Bruce parked at Gotham Prep so he could walk Dick to his classroom. To say that Bruce was proud at that moment would be an understatement. Not only was his son attending the best private school in Gotham, but he was being placed a grade ahead of the other children his age.

Most of the other students were already milling about and socializing when Dick stepped into the classroom, and he froze at the sight. Seeing as he was the only kid in the Haly Circus, he had never really spent much time with other kids his age. Everyone here was at least a year older than him, and all seemed to have friends.

Dick looked up as he felt his father lightly squeeze his shoulder. "You're going to be just fine Dickiebird." Bruce assured, kneeling to his son's level. Dick nodded but still looked nervous. "Te iubesc atat de mult." (I love you so much.) Bruce whispered as he pulled him into a hug. "Te iubesc și tu Tati." (Love you too Daddy.) Dick whispered back.


Dick was glad his teacher didn't dwell too long on introducing him to his classmates. He found his seat in the cluster of four desks. While the kids next to and in front of him did not try to introduce themselves, the red-headed girl with the purple ribbon woven through her braid gave him a friendly smile which he returned.

As his desk mates passed out the morning worksheets, Dick noticed a small folded note on top of his. After checking to make sure no one was watching, he discreetly unfolded it. Inside was one word written in purple loopy script. 'Barbara.'

Dick glanced back at the redhead, but she was already working on her assignment. Dick stuffed the note in his pocket and followed her example. He had all year to talk to Barbara.


The actual classwork was no problem for Dick. The hardest thing he had to maneuver was remembering to raise his hand before speaking and to answer in English.

By lunchtime, he already felt quite comfortable at his new school. As he was waiting in the lunch line, he spotted Barbara a few people in front of him. Maybe he could ask her to sit with him. He was just thinking out how he would approach her when he heard jeering from the front of the line.

Two other boys from his class were teasing Barbara, trying to get a rise out of her. To her credit, she was ignoring them, but Dick still felt the need to tell them to leave her alone. One of the boys started pulling at Barbara's braid, going so far as yanking out her ribbon.

Before anyone knew what was happening, Barbara had spun around and kicked both boys between their legs so hard that any boy who saw it flinched. Barbara was completely stoic as she picked up her ribbon, wove it back into her hair, and went to sit with her friends.

Dick stared after her in awe. She was officially the coolest girl he had ever almost met.


Dick was a ball of pent-up energy by the time recess came around. He wasn't used to sitting still for so long and couldn't wait to attempt a backflip from the top of the jungle gym. When he got there however, he found a group of kids lounging around on it. Not playing. Just sitting on the bars.

"Aw, does the little circus monkey wanna climb?" One of the girls jeered from the higher bars. One of the boys jumped down from his perch and stalked over to him. Dick wasn't particularly small for his age, but his boy still stood head and shoulders over him.

"You think you're something real special, don't you?" The boy sneered. "Bruce Wayne's special little orphan boy."

"The little circus freak thinks he's so smart. Skipping a grade." Another girl yelled down. "You don't have to be so mean." Dick muttered. "I just want to play."

"Thought you said he was smart?" The boy on the ground called up to his friends, who cackled. "Let me make this clear, circus monkey; get lost." The bully shoved Dick to the ground, but just as he did, a pebble nailed him right between the eyes.

"What was that for, Barbara?" The girl at the top of the jungle gym snapped as the redhead came over. "Touch him again, and the next one's going to your nuts!" She growled, and the boy paled.

Barbara led Dick towards the other side of the playground. "Multumesc pentru ajutor." (Thanks for the help.) He smiled at her before realizing it came out in Romani. Barbara just smiled back. She hadn't understood what he'd said, but his tone implied he was grateful.

"I never caught your name." She told him. "It's Richard." He said quickly, then blushed a bit. "But you can call me Dick."

"Wanna go down the slide, Dick?" She offered and pulled him towards the play structure before he could even answer.


Dick happily told Bruce all about his first day when he came to pick him up, although he left out the part about the mean kids on the jungle gym.

"Barbara's really nice and smart and kinda popular, and some of the boys are scared of her, but I don't blame them. She's tough."

Bruce grinned a bit at the mention of Commissioner Gordon's little girl. While Dick was nowhere near thinking about girls that way, it was cute he see him this excited. He could already tell he'd be seeing a lot more of Barbara in the near future.

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