A Day Out

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Bruce never explicitly tried to keep any of his boys' adoptions a secret. It was pointless. The media always found out. But at the same time, he avoided taking the boys out so soon after their adoptions for fear of the paparazzi overwhelming them with questions and flashing lights.

Unfortunately, he didn't have much of a choice this time. Alfred had offered to volunteer at Dr. Leslie Thompkins' clinic for the day, and Bruce couldn't keep delegating his duties at Wayne Enterprises.

"No offense Bruce but I hate your office." Jason muttered, rubbing the forming bruise from the cheek pinching secretaries. "I don't understand why we're here at all." Damian sulked as he slumped into a chair. "Mother used to leave me on my own for weeks on end."

"Well you're not with your Mother now. None of you boys are responsible enough to be left home alone." Bruce told them and sat at his desk. "But your office is boring." Tim whined. "Can we at least hang around the city for a few hours? Please Dad?" Dick begged just as eager to get out of the office as his brothers.

Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. On the one hand, he didn't like the idea of his boys walking around Gotham unsupervised and especially didn't like the idea of letting Damian out of his sight on the boy's first day in public.

But on the other hand, he needed to get some work done, and there was no way that was going to happen with the boys around. "Alright, but keep your phones on. And Tim and Damian, hold your brother's hands."

Damian mumbled something about useless precautions for children, but the older boys nodded their agreement and dragged him to the elevators. "I'll text Barbara to meet us at the arcade." Dick said on their way down.

"I hardly see how wandering aimlessly through the city will be any more interesting than staying in Father's office." Damian complained. "Like it or not, Little D, you're one of us now." Jason grinned. "That means you're gonna be in public with civilians."

Damian made a face at that. He already wasn't too fond of having to interact with his brothers on a daily basis. He didn't even want to imagine what school with common simpletons would be like. "Come on Dami. You gotta learn how to play nice." Tim told him.

"Hey Tim!" An energetic voice called from down the block. The boys turned and saw Stephanie running to meet them. Tim immediately pulled his hand from Jason's and shoved it into his pocket.

Steph nodded hello to Dick and Jason before noticing Damian. "You must be the new little brother I heard about." She smiled down at him before giving Tim a light punch in the arm. "I thought you said he was vicious. He's adorable." She laughed and ruffled Damian's hair before anyone could stop her.

Damian squirmed away from her. "Touch me again, and I'll kill you." He threatened. Most people would have taken aback by such a remark, but Stephanie was not most people. "Sorry Dami-Baby, but it's gonna take more than that to get rid of me." She grinned.


Stephanie called her mom to let her know she'd be spending the rest of the day with the Waynes and Barbara, and they headed to the arcade. The perfect place to let Damian get accustomed to being around other people.

Under normal circumstances, they would have spent the majority of their time playing games, racking up high scores, and winning prizes, but today their focus was teaching the youngest Wayne that he could not say and do whatever he pleased just because he was capable of fighting anyone who opposed him.

After stopping the fifth fight of the day, Barbara suggested they go and get lunch before they got kicked out. The kids all agreed on pizza and headed to a parlor down the street.

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