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Even though Bruce was an only child, he understood that siblings fought. In his years of being a parent, he'd seen his boys go from silence to all-out war in seconds and then be best friends moments later.

But even without siblings of his own to compare to, Bruce understood that a certain amount of infighting was not natural. Tim and Damian seemed to be at each other's throats even more than usual lately.

Every word they exchanged was some sort of insult or retort. He'd had to pull them apart more times than he could count. Yes, they were different, but that did not warrant death threats. Bruce let it slide when they fount at home, but he drew the line when they took it on patrol.


Batman didn't even know what this latest fight was about. All he knew was that he had found Red Robin and Robin fighting each other next to two incapacitated thugs. The two vigilantes hadn't stopped even for breath once, and after having to hear them argue the entire ride home, Batman had had it.

"Enough!" The Dark Knight bellowed. Both boys looked at him as if they only now realized he was there. "Go shower and get changed and report back to me immediately." He ordered. The boys scurried off to do as they were told, but Batman could still hear them muttering at each other.

He didn't understand it. Dick and Jason hadn't fought like this on their worst days. What was it going to take to get his youngest to just get along? Tim and Damian had scaled down to merely elbowing each other as they stood in front of their father.

"The behavior the two of you displayed tonight was disgraceful, and you should be ashamed of yourselves." He told them sternly. "Like it or not, the two of you are stuck with each other until one of you moves out, and I will not put up with the constant bickering waiting for that to happen.

You will learn to get along, starting this weekend. Consider yourselves grounded on a new level. For the next forty-eight hours, I don't want you to leave each other's sight for anything other than bathroom breaks.

If for any reason I, Alfred, or your brothers catch one of you without the other, I will add another twenty-four hours, and so help me, I will handcuff you together. Do I make myself clear?"

The boys nodded. "Good. Now get to bed." Bruce instructed. Tim and Damian marched through the manor in silence until they were in the hallway where all their bedrooms were. Their rooms were side by side, and they stood between them.

Bruce said they had to stay together, and they assumed that also meant sleeping in the same bed. "My room or yours?" Tim huffed. "Mine, obviously." Damian replied, rolling his eyes.

"Aww, you thought I was actually giving you a choice. How cute." Tim laughed sarcastically. "Let's go Demond Brat." Tim grabbed his brother's arm and tried to drag him, but Damian yanked away. "Make me Drake." He growled. "I'm not sleeping among your mess of papers."

"Better than the petting zoo you're running." Tim retorted. "We're sleeping in my room."

"Over my dead body." Damian snapped, getting in his brother's face. "That can be arranged." Tim spat back. The two of them stood toe to toe, giving each other their best Bat-glares. They were in the same position when Dick and Jason came up from patrol.

A half-hour later, they both began to get tired and slumped against the wall, which is how Bruce found them when he came up to bed himself. He sighed as he got a blanket and laid it over their sleeping forms. They were going to learn how to get along, even if it meant sleeping on the floor.

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