Chapter 9

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Hey, um so I realized how I write in 1st POV, so I am now changing it, so yeah. The rest of the story is in 3rd POV, enjoy the chapter!


It's been 3 days after hearing Lucas called Irene his "baby sister" and she is still in distaste, very disgusted.

"Lady Irene, have you been well for these last past days, you seem to have a foul mood," Elle asked concerned. Irene smiled brightly and responded, "Not at all!" Elle looked at Irene for some seconds and just nodded her head, while Ralph had other thoughts.

"That was so scary-" Ralph commented on Irene's cheerful response then stopped as he felt a fiery gaze towards him, which was done by Lady Irene. He gulped and just gave her a 'Never mind what I said' look. She internally sighed, while holding back a frown just thinking about that snake of a Lucas.


"THEY REQUESTED A WHAT?!" Irene yelled again at a maid, why is the same maid who brought her every bad news. "T-the young m-masters wanted to have lunch all together," the maid bit stunned with her raised voice, Irene calmed down and apologized for raising her voice.

"At my place again?" she asked so casually, the maid nodded in response, Irene said thanks and left for a walk in the garden with Sofia. "...It's quite a relaxing morning," she commented as Ralph nodded his head in agreement and Elle remained silent while smiling.

When did things become so awkward between the two of them, she questioned in her thoughts.

The whole walk was just silent, Irene felt like she was suffocating trying to put those 2 together. I am not good at this match-making stuff, Irene thought frustrated if only she could just make them fall in love by her just telling them to be together, but that is not how the world works. For the rest of the day, Irene could not but help to frown all day.

"Hiya sis," greeted by an excited voice, Irene then looked at the product of the chilling voice, Lucas, she then looked at who was with them, Robert and Trevor. Oh god, how Irene wanted to scream, how did it turn out this way, was the only thought in Irene's mind right now.

Irene put her polite smile, and greeted her "brothers" that she deeply cares for, bullshit, even she was joking with herself. "Greetings, welcome to my humble home," she said. Lucas then smiled and there is how the worst lunch Irene could ever get started.

Irene feels like she wants to faint, just looking at the 3 murderous and dangerous brothers in front of her eyes as they chit-chatted. Irene had put on a polite smile as they bicker, while the oldest reads from some notebook. Robert who is 13, Lucas who is 11, and lastly 9-year-old Trevor, who is the same age as the Crown Prince, and one of his closest friends. Wait, Irene paused in her thoughts and remembered, Irene was engaged with Josiah since she was 8-years-old, which is next year. Even though her mind is on literal fire, she still smiled and was a bit paler before.

As Lucas and Trevor bicker about who is better with their swordsmanship, Robert who was as observant as ever, noticed Irene's pale complexation. "Is there something wrong?" Robert asked the younger one. Lucas and Trevor, who had stopped bickering are waiting for Irene's response.

Irene hesitated, before responding, "Yes, well of course," Robert who still looked unconvinced, sharp as ever, Irene was annoyed. "Alright then," Robert said, and Irene who was quite shocked inside smiled and continued to drink her tea.

"And the 2 of you would you please shut your goddamn mouth?" Robert was annoyed by his brothers and was debating on whether or not to tell them to shut up while reading his notebook. Then the 2 quickly said their apologies, they then heard a chuckle.

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