Chapter 2

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Ryujin makes another round, walking through the quiet space, pinpointing the paintings marked as sold while recalculating in her head to make sure that the amount of money she has received is correct. She wasn’t originally this detailed but having lived through tough financial times, she had consistently grown more careful over the years. In order to continue living comfortably in their next ‘life’, both her and Yuna always try their best to keep a close eye on their current income, savings and assets.

She finishes with a satisfied nod and walks towards the exit only to see a familiar figure talking to the gallery owner near the information counter.

Ryujin takes a deep breath at the sight of Yeji and ignores the faint flutters deep down inside, reminiscent of the ones that occurred on the night after she drove her home.

Yeji feels the eyes on her and turns her head to greet Ryujin with a smile.

It’s not as bright as the smile she gave her a few weeks ago, Ryujin notices, and it makes the artist feel guilty, fully understanding the reason behind it.

“Hi,” Ryujin greets Yeji, returning the smile as sincerely as she possibly can.


“Back to see the art?”

Yeji shakes her head. “Just had lunch with my friend,” she says, gesturing to the gallery owner who has deliberately walked away to give the two some privacy. “By the way, do you have a few minutes to spare? If you don’t mind, there’s something that I need to tell you.”

“Err… sure. I’ll wait for you outside.”

Ryujin steps out of the building and waits for Yeji who’s bidding her friend goodbye. She’s not sure what Yeji wants to talk to her about but she will use this opportunity to apologize to her and try to give her an acceptable excuse for not replying her messages.

“Coffee?” asks Yeji as she stands in front of Ryujin a moment later.

Ryujin nods. “Lead the way.”

They go to the same coffee shop they went to and Ryujin insists on buying Yeji a drink as part of her apology.

As she sits down across from her, she looks her in the eyes and says, “I apologize for not replying to your messages. I’ve been busy with work and I know that’s a cliché excuse so even though I’m not lying, you’re free to scold me and even throw your drink at my face. It’s kinda why I got you iced coffee instead of hot coffee.”

Yeji cracks another small smile at Ryujin’s joke and shakes her head. “I’m the one who should apologize.” She looks down at her glass. “I should’ve taken the hint and stopped texting you. I’m sorry for any inconvenience I’ve caused.”

Ryujin feels even guiltier after hearing the apology and sighs. “This is awkward,” she mumbles, stirring her drink with the straw.

“I’m sorry for that too.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“It is.” Yeji takes out her phone from her bag and shows it to Ryujin. “I’m a woman of my word,” she says and deletes Ryujin’s contact number right in front of the person, showing the result as proof. “I won’t bother you again. Thank you for that fun night and for the drink.” She stands up to leave, still looking down to hide her embarrassed pink cheeks and sad guilty eyes. “Goodbye, Ryujin. It was nice meeting you.”

Ryujin is stunned, not expecting this kind of reaction from Yeji. In her long life, she has never met anyone who had done this before. Most would rage and stomp away while others would beg and cling on.

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