Chapter 57

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It's Ryujin's birthday and her colleagues have been very nice to her all day. She received a birthday cake, free lunch and plenty of gifts and treats. She is very happy but at the same time, she can't help but feel conflicted because Yeji would leave in a few days.

She comes home bringing the leftover cake and gifts to be greeted by a quiet apartment.

"Yeddeong?" she calls out as she places her stuff on the kitchen counter. "Where are you?"

Ryujin goes to check the bedroom and laughs when she finds the woman she's looking for dressed as her animation character Princess Yeji. "This is so wrong," she says.

"Why? You don't like Princess Yeji? I made this myself, you know." Yeji twirls her long pink dress.

"I do but-..." Ryujin then sees pieces of clothing laid out on the bed and breaks into a huge grin. "So these are your outfits, Princess?"

"Yes. You can take your pick and dress me up."

"But they're all lingerie," argues Ryujin as she gingerly picks up one of the lacy pieces.

"Would you have preferred something else? Does Jinnie secretly like role playing?" asks Yeji while smirking.

"Actually, I prefer playing with you without any kind of clothing," replies Ryujin just as cheekily, dropping the lingerie to the ground. "Come here, Princess. Let me undress you and show you fun that's beyond your imagination," she says, winking at the laughing Yeji.

"You're right. This is so wrong," remarks Yeji as she watches Ryujin approach her. She smiles and closes her eyes when Ryujin kisses her and lets her unzip her dress. "I don't think I can watch your show again after this."

"You have it easy. I still have to draw her without thinking of you. That is going to be very hard to do," says Ryujin while she trails kisses on Yeji's skin. She pulls the dress down and swallows when she sees her wearing nothing underneath. "Princess Yeji will never be the same again."

Yeji laughs. "Forget her." She wraps her arms around Ryujin's neck. "Happy birthday, baby," she says huskily before giving her another kiss.

"Thank you." Ryujin's smile fades when she remembers what's going to come. "I'll miss you," she says as she leans her forehead on Yeji's and closes her eyes, tightening her arms around the other woman.

"I'll miss you too but I will be back soon enough. I promise." Yeji pulls her head back to look at Ryujin. She traces her face with her fingers and tilts her head as their lips meet in a gentle kiss. "I'm bound to you, Jinnie. I will never leave you."

"I know but it will be lonely without you here."

"It'll be lonely without you there too but it's only temporary. I swear. We have a wedding to plan, remember?" Yeji smiles and starts pushing Ryujin towards the bed. "Now let's get this birthday celebration on the way."


Ryujin sighs loudly but her hand never stops stroking Yeji's back.

Yeji hears the wordless complaint and lifts her head to look at Ryujin. "I'll be back soon enough," she tells her. "I promise."


"Jinnie..." Yeji inches up and taps Ryujin's nose. "Don't look so sad. It's your birthday."


"I love you." She gives Ryujin a peck on the lips. "No matter how much we argue, I never want anyone else." She pecks her lips once more. "I want to marry you and have your baby."

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