Chapter 43

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well it was nice reading all the guesses last chapter and some of y'all actually half-guessed some events that would happen


Ever since Yeji realized that she wants her own baby, she has kept her distance from Ryujin because of guilt and fear. She doesn't want Ryujin to know that she's been right all along so she keeps herself busy with work and with helping Jisu every once in a while.

Ryujin doesn't question Yeji about the sudden distance. She knows what's happening – she was there at the hospital to witness the longing and tears in Yeji's eyes when the baby grabbed her finger – and she's letting Yeji process everything on her own until the woman's ready to talk to her about it.

She's sad, that much she can't deny. Expecting something to happen and actually having it happen to you are totally different things. Now that the signs of change are here, she starts to feel anxious, wondering how to cope with life without Yeji albeit temporarily.

As usual, she drowns herself in work, picking up her interest in animation to distract herself. She even considers enrolling formally in an animation school because school life would surely keep her busy for a few years. She would do it abroad, somewhere far from Korea to keep her mind off of Yeji.

Their friends notice the change and when Yuna and Chaeryeong come over to visit the baby, Jisu uses the opportunity to talk to them about it.

"Now that this one's asleep, update me on the other two babies," she tells the two, whispering while inching away from the sleeping baby on the bed.

Yuna and Chaeryeong are sitting on the carpet next to the bed with a bowl of chips, fruits and other snacks between them, courtesy of Jisu's husband. The man has knowingly left the house after serving the snacks so his wife can relax. Besides, he, too, needs a break from the exhausting baby care so he's using the opportunity to hang out with his own friends.

"Ryujin unnie's constantly mellow and down these days," says Yuna. "She tries not to show it but I know her too well."

"I thought she wanted Yeji to have a family without her?"

"That's what she said but we all know better. Trust me, Unnie, you will never get used to the pain of heartbreak no matter how long you live," Yuna says to which Chaeryeong nods.

"It hurts as badly as the first time you got your heart broken," adds Chaeryeong through a mouth full of chips. "Especially if you love that person very much."

"Then why is she insisting on letting Yeji go?"

"She loves her too much," answers Yuna. "It's that simple, really."

"But a bit masochistic, don't you think?" replies Jisu.

"Yes but I guess sometimes you do dumb things to make your loved ones happy."

"I'd rather call it sacrifice," says Chaeryeong. "As hurtful as it may be, I admire Ryujin unnie for her courage. Besides, behind that masochistic act, there's the confidence that Yeji unnie would come back to her and they'd spend the rest of their lives together. Isn't that admirable?"

"I guess so," Jisu says, pausing when she senses her baby moving. The sleeping baby girl makes a funny face, wiggles a bit but then resumes sleeping peacefully so the three women also resume their talk.

"Has Yeji unnie talked to you about this?" Yuna asks Jisu.

Jisu shakes her head. "I plan to talk to her about it though. She's been mellow and quiet too which is very unlike her."

"I think she feels guilty. She was so convinced about her choice before your daughter was born," Chaeryeong says.

"She can still be convinced. I mean, like I told Ryujin unnie, you'll never know with technology. They can have a baby together. All they have to do is wait," replies Yuna.

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