Chapter 41

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Jisu's pregnancy is coming along nicely. She's ending her second trimester and is starting to get a bit worried about entering her final and last trimester. She has heard that it's the most challenging part of the pregnancy and even though she's dealing quite nicely with it, she can't help but fear the pain of giving birth.

Her husband tries his best to be there for her but he has work to do and businesses to oversee so on days when he can't accompany his wife, Yeji would step in and help.

Soon she's become inseparable from the whole process, spending most of her free time either helping Jisu with her preparations or just accompanying her on her daily activities. The rest of her time is spent working. Needless to say, she hasn't been around Ryujin that much.

Ryujin doesn't mind. She knows that it's something that Yeji has to do not only for her best friend but also for herself. Secretly, she hopes that the experience would change Yeji's mind about their relationship. She still thinks that she's right, that Yeji should consider settling down with a family of her own before they spend the rest of their lives together.

Yuna and Chaeryeong notice the changes and ask Ryujin about it but since the woman says she's fine, they choose to step aside and not be nosy. It's something that the couple has to sort out among themselves, they know, so the only thing they do is try their best to be there for Ryujin when Yeji's busy.

Chaeryeong starts to spend more time at Ryujin's and Yuna's house and the three of them would talk or do things together. Ryujin's glad to see the positive woman who's so different from the broken and bitter person she met a few years ago. She knows that Chaeryeong has changed for the better, that the actress is slowly but surely rediscovering happiness in life. She doesn't know for sure what the exact turning point is but Yuna unquestionably plays a very crucial role in the process.

She starts observing the two and although they both look like good friends, she can't help but wonder whether their relationship could grow into something more.

Every time she thinks that, she'd smile to herself and brushes it away, refusing to get involved in her friends' personal matter unless they want her to.

Winter is going to end soon and Ryujin's artwork has grown less dark although there's still that hint of gloom in her work. She's planning another small exhibition and her broker, upon seeing pictures of her recent work, encourages her to paint something brighter, warmer. The plan is to do a February or March exhibition so the focus would definitely be love – not only because of Valentine's Day but also because spring is coming.

In order to do that, Ryujin would lock herself up in her studio and surround herself with memories of not only her moments with Yeji but also of past love. She has told Yeji about it and the latter reluctantly, wearily, agreed to let Ryujin do so under the condition that she wouldn't get too carried away with it.

One weekday, after a visit to her obstetrician, Jisu decides that she should start enrolling in childbirth class to prepare for the birth. The doctor has recommended it because he thinks that it would help reduce the fear that Jisu's having and put her in contact with other pregnant women who can help share their experiences.

Her husband agrees but he says that he might not be able to come with her to every class because of work so he tells her to take Yeji instead.

"Me? That's going to me awkward," says Yeji when she hears the suggestion. "These classes are meant for couples, right?"

"Yes but I'm not asking you to come with me every single time. Just when Oppa can't make it."

"I see."

"You won't have to do much. Just be my partner for an hour or two," Jisu says. "Consider it another one of your godmother duties."

"Alright alright. I'll go with you."

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