Chapter 36

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Yeji has to be at her agency for a small end-of-the-year party on the 31st so Ryujin and Yuna decided to keep Mr. Hwang company as they wait for both Yeji and Chaeryeong to join them to count down to the new year.

Jisu has flown to the States to spend New Year's Eve with her family on the day after Christmas - after her boyfriend introduced her to his family.

Mr. Hwang places two mugs of hot chocolate on the coffee table then sits down after getting himself a cup of coffee. "Can I ask you something, Ryujin?"

"Sure, Samchon."

"I saw the ring my daughter wears. It's exactly the same as the one you're wearing right now. Did you give it to her?"

Ryujin glances at her finger and nods.

"Is it just a normal promise ring or did you bind yourself to her?"

Yuna turns her head when she hears the question. "Unnie, you bound yourself to her?"

Ryujin calmly sips her drink before answering, "I did."

Mr. Hwang exhales. "Isn't it too fast? You still have a long way to go. What happens if you break up?"

"Unnie, you do realize the consequences of such binds, right?" adds Yuna.

"Yes. Regardless of what happens to us, I stand by my promise," says Ryujin confidently.

"Think about it, Ryujin," continues Mr. Hwang, "Let's consider the worst situation. She leaves you or you two break up for whatever reason but instead of going your own way and starting a new life somewhere to be able to forget her, you make it easy for her to find you wherever you go. And you, yourself, will forever be alerted of her whereabouts. Is that something you really want?"

Ryujin nods. "I stand by my promise to always be her friend, to always look out for her regardless of what happens to us."

"Won't that hurt, Unnie?" asks Yuna.

Ryujin just shrugs while taking another sip from her mug.

"At least you're bound to me too so I can look out for you wherever you go," says the tall woman while leaning back in her seat, cradling the warm mug in her hands.

"Do you want me to tell her what the bind means?" Mr. Hwang asks Ryujin.

"It's up to you, Samchon. I'm fine either way."

To Ryujin's relief, the doorbell suddenly rings, interrupting the conversation that has started to feel like an interrogation to her.

Mr. Hwang gets up from his seat and lets Chaeryeong inside the building and the apartment.

"Good evening," a made up Chaeryeong politely greets Mr. Hwang, Ryujin and Yuna.

"You look beautiful, Chaeryeong. What's the occasion?" asks Mr. Hwang as he goes to the kitchen to make another mug of hot chocolate for Chaeryeong.

"I just came from an end of year award show," replies Chaeryeong.

"She was nominated," Yuna tells everyone there. There's a hint of pride in her tone and eyes that Chaeryeong doesn't miss although the woman is surprised to hear and see it. "Did you win anything, Unnie?" continues Yuna, asking the actress who shakes her head in reply.

"Sorry to hear that," Ryujin says.

"It's fine, Unnie. I'm glad I didn't win. The attention would be too much."

When Mr. Hwang returns with the hot chocolate, Chaeryeong thanks him then asks where Yeji is before the conversation shifts to her work and the celebrities she knows.

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