Chapter 5

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Yeji bows to the staff once more before leaving the studio. She's tired but strangely happy. Ryujin's visit a couple of nights ago did wonders for her mood, making it even brighter than usual for days on end.

She checks her phone while she's queuing for coffee at a nearby coffee shop and sees an email from her father that she received yesterday and hasn't had the chance to read.

She clicks the message open and reads, "It might be a good idea for you to know a little more about your family. Don't let anyone else read this, okay? Not even Jisu. I also have a surprise for you. Wait and see."

"What is he talking about?" she mumbles, opening the attached file. It's a digital document filled with text and drawings. As she browses through it, she sees pictures of people she doesn't know and then one of someone very familiar but with an entirely different look: her father.

She sighs and closes the document. The reminder of what she is manages to erase whatever's left of her cheerfulness. The thought of not being able to be with Ryujin or anyone else for the rest of her life turns her mood into a very mellow one. As much as she loves her parents, she never wants to be like her father, carrying the pain of losing someone he loves for eternity.

That's why she always refers to her parents' marriage as a mistake ever since she found out what she has become. Granted, it's a 'mistake' that brought her into this world but the aftermath of that one decision, the life she is now forced to live, is nothing but a curse to her.

Every time she thinks about the future, she can't help but remember the pain from losing her mother.

She had thought and hoped that she wouldn't have to go through more of such losses but it's inevitable now. Her best friend will leave her one day and so will all her cousins and relatives from her mother's side, her colleagues, her other friends... basically everyone she knows and cares about will leave her one day and she has to witness every single departure and be left behind.

Her father has tried to explain what exactly would happen but she always refused to listen to the details. It scares her and makes her heart ache. Other people may fear death but to Yeji, life is now much more terrifying.

After taking her coffee to go, she walks back to her car and is about to drive away when her phone signals an incoming message.

"Hi. How are you? Are you at work?"

She unconsciously breaks into a small smile when she sees Ryujin's message and quickly shifts the gear back into park so she can reply.

"I'm good and done with work for today. How 'bout you?"

"No work for me. For once, I'm going to enjoy my Saturday like a normal office slave."

"Good for you. Unfortunately, I can't choose what days I'm working."

"It's okay. As long as you enjoy what you do. I'm free for dinner tonight, by the way. Care to join me?"

"I'd love to!"


"Just tell me when and where and I'll meet you there."

"Okay. See you later then."



Ryujin sets her phone down and exhales. "Dinner it is," she tells Yuna who's been watching her.

"Are you sure about this?" asks the younger woman. "Won't this be a bit sneaky?"

"It's the only way to test it. If you meet her and experience the same sensation then we'll know for sure that she is indeed one of us," Ryujin says.

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