Chapter 66

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The doctor points at the screen. "Baby A is here, below baby B. Both are looking okay. Everything's developing properly. Here's his knee, spine, elbow and there's his head."

"His?" asks Ryujin.

"Yes. Active baby A is a boy."

Yeji gasps while Ryujin just stares at the doctor incredulously.

"Wh-what about baby B?" asks Yeji after she has managed to pull herself together.

"She's calmer and her body is also developing wonderfully. See? She's lying on top of her brother, facing the other way. Here's her head, elbow, knee..."


"Yes. Your fraternal twins are a boy and a girl."

"Oh my God," mumbles Ryujin.

"A complete set in one go," jokes the doctor who laughs heartily at the shell-shocked couple. He moves the scanner's position, showing the perfect 3D rendering of the two babies.

Ryujin gasps when she sees tiny fingers and mumbles another "Oh my God". She squeezes Yeji's hand. "Look at those tiny fingers!"

"Cute, huh?"

Ryujin looks at Yeji, grins when she sees the tears streaming down her wife's cheeks and takes out the tissues. "They are adorable," she says as she dabs Yeji's face then kisses her nose. "Love you."

"Love you too."

The doctor continues examining the state of their babies while asking them questions about the pregnancy and the mother's condition.

Then Yeji asks him about why she still can't feel a kick even though baby A is always so active whenever they see him in the scans.

"Well, a lot of first time mothers don't feel anything until the 21st week or even more," says the man in the white coat. "Or, you might have felt it but dismissed it as gas or something. It doesn't always feel like a real kick, especially at this stage. Some mothers describe it as fluttering or bubbles bursting. Soon you will feel definite jabs and kicks as the babies grow bigger."

"Wait. So that wasn't gas?" asks Yeji.

"You've felt it?" Ryujin turns to look at her wife.

Yeji nods. "I felt it a few days ago. I thought it was either the soda or your cheesiness."

"My cheesiness?" Ryujin laughs.

"Yes. Although I was missing the gag reflex, now that I think of it."

"Ha ha. Funny."

"Well, you will start feeling them more from now on. Wait a few weeks and you would feel them too," the doctor looks at Ryujin.


He nods. "And towards the end of it, you might even see these two moving around and prodding you from the inside."

"That sounds a bit creepy but exciting at the same time," exclaims Ryujin.

An hour later and they're on their way downtown to get lunch and new clothes for Yeji.

The woman has searched online for maternity clothing stores and although she has found a few items that she likes, she wants to find a physical store so she can try out the clothes and see for herself what fits her best.

"I can't wait to get out of this old, ugly clothes," Yeji says as she eagerly steps inside the first store.

Ryujin patiently waits and comments when Yeji asks for her opinion, trying her best to look interested and excited even though shopping is not one of her favorite things to do. She wants Yeji to be happy and she's still high from finding out about the two babies.

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