Chapter 10

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Ryujin’s voice echoes throughout the hall.

Yuna walks out of her room and into Ryujin’s. “What is it, Unnie? Ooh! Someone’s looking pretty,” she comments, grinning while observing Ryujin from top to toe. “Where are you guys going tonight?” she asks, fully aware of Ryujin and Yeji’s first official date.

“Just movie and dinner.” Ryujin fixes her hair and turns to face her grinning friend. “So do I look okay?”

Yuna nods and gives Ryujin two thumbs-up.

“I’m not overdressed, am I?”

“No, you look great, Unnie.”

“Okay then. I’ll take your word for it,” Ryujin says, turning towards the mirror to check her appearance one final time.

“Nervous?” Yuna takes a seat on the bed.


“Don’t be.”

“How can I not be? The last time I went on a date was literally decades ago.”

“But you’ve been on unofficial dates with her a lot. What’s the difference?”

Feeling satisfied with her look, Ryujin goes to grab her phone and wallet from her desk. “The difference is the expectation.”

“Oh come on. That’s nonsense. You two have hit it off from the start.”

“As friends, Yuna. Going on a real, official date means admitting that there’s more than friendship. Something that could either work or fail. She would hope for the first, of course, hence the expectation.”

“Are you taking up philosophy now?”

“I’m serious.” Ryujin looks at Yuna. “This might not work.”

“I doubt that but even if you’re right, you can always be friends, right? You promised her, remember? Even dragged me into it,” Yuna says, recalling what Ryujin has told her last week.

“I remember but that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt.”

“You’re thinking too much again. Smile, Unnie. Enjoy. Forget the technicalities and just let your guard down for one night. Give your heart another fresh chance. Yeji unnie can’t leave you like she did. You guys literally have all the time in the world to get to know each other and make it work. That’s a privilege many people would wish they had,” advises the younger one.

Ryujin takes a deep breath and shakes her arms loose. “You’re right. Okay. Let’s do this.”

Yuna walks Ryujin to the door and gives her unnie’s shoulders a quick encouraging massage. “Go get her, Unnie. I won’t wait up,” she says with a knowing smirk.

“Wish me luck?”

“Good luck! Ryujin unnie, fighting!” Yuna makes a cute elaborate gesture with her fist high in the air, shocking both Ryujin and herself.


Yuna squeals in embarrassment and runs back to her room, leaving Ryujin laughing after her.


“Aren’t you going to take this with you?” Jisu points at the bear she’s been playing with for the past half an hour. The toy’s been keeping her company while she watched Yeji walk to and from between her wardrobe and the full-length mirror, trying on clothes after clothes while talking to herself. Occasionally, she’d ask her best friend for her opinion, not letting her leave the room despite the whining and pleas.

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