1. Arrival

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"Don't you think it's a little weird here?" I ask my mom after we drive past a gigantic sign and a school logo. "Vamps Academy? Movie?" I continue, as I lean back in my seat.

"Honey. You're just stressing about nothing." she prods my left arm playfully with her right hand while the left stays on the steering wheel. "You haven't even relaxed a single bit during the entire four hours we've been driving," She adds, glancing at me through the corner of her dark eyes.

"I just, I feel weird," I blurt out, looking out the window. The calm breeze of the afternoon brushes past my face, throwing my dark hair into a flying frenzy.

"I know honey. It's going to take time but you will get used to this." Her thin lips painted in red curve up into a smile. Funny how my lips are full yet hers are thin. My hair is dark hers is brown, she has dark eyes whilst mine are brown. According to her, I resemble my father more. Pity I never got the chance to meet him.

I hate the fact that we had to move to an unusual, old and small town. But I did not have much of a choice, my mother received a transfer from the city to be a senior nurse in this small town. 

She pulls up in the driveway of an all-familiar house. The same suburban house with a small white fence. It is painted a warm yellow and my stomach turns at the sight.

With a sigh, I push the door to the car open and bang it back - alarmingly.

"Hey, That's my car!" Barbara screams at me. Of course, she would, she cares for this grey corolla as though it is her second child.

I give her a twisted smile and sorry eyes. "I'm just exhausted, Mom."

I drag my two large, blue suitcases from the back seat up to the porch, the wood does not fail to creek beneath me.

"Mm," I groan, and I drop them on the doorstep. My mother follows me to the door and rummages through her purse for a key. I only stare at the yellow door, it is silent but I am not fooled. This place gives me chills. After another second, she draws a key and fiddles with the old lock.

With a few attempts, she cracks the rusty lock and smiles at me. As though it is so much of an achievement. It takes me a second or two to assemble the courage and walk past the door which just jerked open with a loud grind.

I swallow thickly as a young memory of my cousins and I running through the room sweeps over my eyes. We were so happy then, it probably didn't scare me as it does now. This eerie place was once my home, my mother's home, and all my cousins' home.

"We have alooooot of cleaning to do," Mom complains, placing her hands on her hips.

I nod and look around the living room, the furniture has white sheets draped over them, perhaps to protect them from the aggressive dust. It settles on the sheets anyway. My eyes drag themselves to the warm yellow wallpaper which is peeling off at the top. The huge ceiling has cobwebs hanging around it and of course, it smells like rodent urine.

I want to puke, so I make my way up the woody staircase. With each step, the wood rasps threatening to break and throw me into the basement.

Finally, I stand in front of my soon-to-be bedroom. With hesitation, I push the brown door open, a rusty and metallic smell greets me and I bring my hand to my nose to cover it.

The room is dark, so I feel for the switch at the corner of the room. The bulb flickers before it finally goes on, although faint, I can work with it. I suck in a breath.

My eyes move to the bed, which is spread neatly but covered in dust.

A tall shadow looms over me and the hairs on my spine rise as I freeze. My breath hitches as it gets closer, my heart races with each movement it makes and I shut my eyes. 

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