3. Dickface

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"So you're on my seat, but I will let you have it because you seem new, and you don't know anyone here…this is me being nice to a stranger right now," a feminine voice squeaks. I know they are talking to me because I'm the odd one out, I joined three weeks after the beginning of the semester.

I purse my lips and perk up, only to see a ridiculously familiar face. She is tall with long red hair and her skin is of a chalky white color, and I can't help but gape. Is she human? How does she pull off this all-white skin with such attractiveness?

Her eyes are a cobalt blue - I think she is wearing contacts. She wears a bright red dress with stilleto heels. Moving on her lips are glossed over, and she is pouting right now.

Where did I see this face?

We have a stare down until she twists her lips into a smile. And I smile back, sheepishly.

I have no idea what is going on.

"Hey, I'm Eve, you're?" she asks, leaning against the scratched table. As expected, the school's walls and floors are scratched; some with kids leaving their names and signatures on the walls. Typical high school.

"Ivy," I respond curtly.

"Ivy? Strange name." Another girl appears out of nowhere and stands behind Eve.

She sneaks a peek at me over Eve's shoulder; seems familiar too. Where did I see these people?

"I…umh, I know." I smile, awkwardly.

What does she mean, weird? And Eve is not?

My eyes travel to the girl standing behind Eve, she is slightly taller than Eve. Her dirty brown bangs cover most of her face, and she pushes them aside, the moment she realizes I'm staring. Her eyes are a rich dark brown, and it's hard to look away. I notice she is wearing a dark top and dark jeans with combat boots. They look pretty cool compared to my outfit; a floral dress and brown jacket with sneakers.

"You're making her uncomfortable, Leah," Eve pokes the friend slightly. "Pardon my best friend, she doesn't have manners."

I can only nod and smile because I can't say; Yay! I can relate? Nope, I cannot relate. I don't have a best friend, never had one, and I hope in the future, the universe does not dare to give me one.

Eve sighs, she is about to sit but immediately looks out the window and I can tell her nerves are excited.

"Hey, Dickface!" she yells, and my jaw drops.

I follow her eyes out the window. Among the three guys, one turns and gives her a middle finger—I'm astonished. These people are using vulgar language on school grounds? How?

My eyes don't leave the young man—who I just learned is Dickface. Black jeans and a corresponding black shirt cling to his body perfectly. He concludes the look with a black, leather jacket and black boots—please don't tell me he owns a bike. It's so cliché.

Did I mention how his dark, shiny hair tousles over his forehead?

Maybe, he does own a bike after all.

"Ms. Sinclair, please take your seat," The show is cut short by a man's voice. I avert my eyes from Dickface to the man in front of the class. He has a brown suit and shinny dark shoes. His hair is brown and his eyes are beady and sharp.

"Call me," Eve whispers. "I'm sorry, Mr. Andrews." She finally settles in the seat next to me.

For the next three to four hours, I'm occupied with classes, from French, Philosophy, and Art to Math, English, and Biology. I double-checked my timetable twice because I shared almost all the classes with Eve and Leah—they wouldn't stop talking. They even provoked our French teacher to label me as the 'noisy newbie'.

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