30. Oh, boy.

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"We are closed," the brunette behind the small desk states with her nose in a folder. I recognize her immediately. Seen her not once, but many times before—from afar, of course.

The rebellious Barbara Myers, who murdered her mother in an attempt to protect herself. Her story sailed like no other news in this town, yet she returned without any shame at all. I still admire her courage, but it has been many years, and it's only right for people to bury her evil deed.

Killing your mother? Not even I can do that, as monstrous as I am. But I am not so sure now after Adams' passing. It hit me like nothing ever did, I finally understand what it is like to lose a part of yourself.

I teased Levi about Lexi after we killed her. But I never really understood why he was so hurt, but now I do, and that is what we have in common. The same pain is what makes us allies.

I offered Levi a deal, and considering the state I found him in, he would do just about anything to get himself into shape.

What's better than killing your half-brother and taking back a kingdom that is rightfully yours? Nothing right?

I asked Levi to help me take out Ivy and her entire family—it's not like there is so much of it. Thereafter, I would help him kill Hermis as well as Eros and get him crowned as king of the vampires. Besides, he is a hybrid, right? Half Vampire, half Wolf. Levi is eager to help me because he wants nothing more than to get back at his father for all the years he made him suffer in the shadows as a rogue wolf.

We are fighting to kill and take what is ours. I have to fulfill my promise to Adam and when I kill Ivy, I will set out to find a cure for him. I will find witches powerful enough to raise him for his slumber, cure him, and he will be mine again.

Simple? Right?

"I said we are closed," Barbara says when she looks up at me. I am still standing in the same spot of the hospital, this side is quieter than the wards and this is to my advantage because no one will interfere.

"Are we now?" I smirk, coking my head to study her face. Such an attractive woman with nothing but darkness inside her.

"Yes," she says, seemingly calm for someone who is about to die. Am I missing something?

I sit in the chair across from her, but she doesn't flinch even for a second, she looks at me fearlessly, and I smirk. This will be fun.

"Oh, Barb." I roll my eyes. "It is unclear to me why the people of this town welcomed you back after what you did to your mother," I purr.

She furrows her eyebrows. "What? Who are you?"

"I'm hurt, you seriously don't recognize me?"

She doesn't say anything, so I go on, "Does Sinclair ring a bell?"

Weird she doesn't know me, I am used to everyone knowing my family. Perhaps she is familiar with Adam, he once tried to hook up with her. She was a teenager then, but since we don't age, it was right at the moment. But she went on to fall for some low-class witch.

"Ah, I remember the Sinclair's, Adam left a mark on my heart." She pushes her shirt scrub down, so I can see the small healed scar just close to her sternum.

What did Adam do to her?

"Did you two have a lover's fight?"

She chuckles. "He was furious, I chose Josh over him."

Right. Typical Adam.

"I see, anyway, he chose me over you so no hard feelings, but I need to kill your daughter. She was a nice friend for a while until she snatched my friend and killed my boyfriend, and she is going to kill every one of us if I don't kill her. See, nothing personal," I inform her.

She is quiet for a moment, then she chuckles. Does she find this funny? My entire existence might be wiped off the face of the earth, and she laughs about it?

"Was that funny?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"I…I just think you deserve it." She shrugs. "You kill people for fun."

I shake my head. She's daring me, she's pushing me, I wonder if she knows it.

"We are not so different, you know. We both killed before, and we don't feel bad about it. We might be friends when all is over."

"You're one sad brat," she spits and smiles.

"You can use your magic to help me cure Adam. You're one of the most powerful witches I know."

"I would rather die than wake a blood-sucking monster," she mutters through her teeth.

"Fine then." It doesn't take much time to find myself behind her, I don't even give her a second to breathe, I sink my teeth in her neck. Her blood is sweet, and so I take my time to suck it while she screams for dear life.

By the time I am finished, Ivy and Levi stand in the doorway.

Oh, Ivy is fucking furious. I only stare at her with a smirk on my face. I can imagine the blood dripping from my lips.

This will be fun.

I have taken from her like she took from me. Fair, ain't it?

But she is outnumbered, she is alone. I don't know where the hell Leah is, or is she already dead? I don't care.

"Party is over, sadly," I purr, licking my lips.

"Please tell me you didn't," Ivy roars, forming fists.

"I didn't." I smile. "I will make this quick, Levi now."

It's an order.

This is the part where Levi snaps her neck and I suck all the blood from her body. But to my dismay, Levi doesn't move, he only stares at me as if he has never seen me before.

"Levi, now!" I repeat, but Levi is rigid.

"Go wait for me outside, Levi, I will make it quick," Ivy instructs, and how hurt I am to see Levi following her instructions.

I guess I shouldn't have trusted Levi. Did she get to him? Or offered him a better deal? Or did love come into play? I am so doomed, if I don't act first and fast. I will end up dead. But that is the last thing on my to-do list.

"This will hurt." Ivy smiles. "You murdered my mother."

"She killed her mother, your grandmoth-"

"Shh, I knew that, I was the one to decide her fate not you, Eve. I see why Leah ditched you. If you care to know, she and I are on a more intimate level," she says, and something burns inside me.

How dare Leah do this to me? Sleeping with the enemy? Really?

Without even thinking, I charge at Ivy, and it is after I do this that I realize she wanted this same reaction from me. And she pushes me with her palm to my chest, which sends me crashing into the wall.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" she muses, and I notice that her eyes have turned completely dark.

"Ivy?" I whisper, my lips quivering.

"Ivy is asleep, I am Vera," she says, smirking before coming at me.

Oh, boy.

Sadly Barb left us. I hope she wakes in the next chapter lol. I am kidding, this is the last chapter the next thing you will see is a prologue.

Sending love because you've been with me till the end.

She Came To Stay. GxG (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن