Let It Out Lou, Let It Out (Louis)

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A/N...I know this one won't be the most accurate, but it seemed like a cute idea when my friend mentioned it...A/N

~Y/N's POV~

"Louis? Louis what's wrong?" I said, running over to a fallen Louis. "I don't feel good." he said, crossing his arms over his stomach. "Lou, babe, what hurts? Do we need to get to a hospital? I'm gonna call one of the boys." I said, quickly grabbing my phone and dialing Harry.

Harry: Hey Y/N, what's up?

Y/N: Louis is laying in the parking lot saying he doesn't feel good. Grab Liam and come here please!

Harry: Y/N where are you!?! Are you close to the entrance love?

Y/N: I can see the entrance from here. Harry please, he looks like he's in a lot of pain.

Harry: Hold on Lou, we're coming. Love? I need you to stand up where you are and wave your hands like a maniac ok? I'm at the entrance now but I can't see you. Liam can't either.

Y/N: Ok, I'm waving.

Harry: Alright love, we see you. We're coming.

Harry said, hanging up. I kneeled back down next to Louis, telling him the boys were coming. "I'm gonna throw up Y/N, Y/N I don't wanna throw up!" "Hold on baby, hold on." I said, just before the boys approached, running. "Harry, pick him up. I'm gonna call the medics. Take him to our room and Y/N, can you stay here with me? Oh, never mind, that wouldn't help. Go on ahead guys." Liam said, dialing their medical team.

Once we were in the room, Harry took him to our wing and set him in the bathroom. "Lou, if you have to throw up, throw up. It won't help at all to keep it in." Harry said, sitting on the side of the bath tub. "I don't want to throw up. I can't. The sound, the feeling. I don't like it Haz, I don't." he said, his voice breaking my heart. "Louis, you gotta listen to him. I don't think I've ever seen you this sick, but if you gotta throw up, let it out." I said, gently rubbing his back.

Eventually he threw up, many many many tears later, he was asleep, in bed, with Grease playing in the background. Harry and I went to the living room, watching some FRIENDS reruns. "Hey Y/N?" he asked out of random, turning his attention to me. "Yeah Harry? What's up?" His face went from laughing at Pheobe and Joey to scarily serious. "Do you think Louis cried himself to this point? The headaches, the 'I'm not hungry's, and all the sleeping when he's not crying. I mean, he just lost his mum, the poor lad doesn't know what to do other than look at his phone. I'm scared for him, Y/N." he said, making everything overly obvious."Shit- shit, Harry, we should talk to him. Should we talk to him!?! What if we don't and it only get's worse. Harry, what if-" he cut me off. "Y/N look, when he wakes up, we're gonna give him some crackers and ginger ale, we're gonna put on another of his favorite movies, and we're gonna ask him how he is. We don't want to straight up say, 'Louis, we see what's going on' yada yada yada. We don't want him to shut down even more." He was right. As soon as I went to speak, the medics walked in with Liam, going straight for Louis and I's bedroom. "DON'T! Don't go in there. He's finally asleep and we think we figured it out. Can you guys just like...wait in another room? Just in case?" I said, jumping up to get in their way. "Sure. Just let us know if you need us." one of the medics...Julie said. "Thank you."

Louis slept about an hour, waking up and coming into the living room. "Oh hey baby. Do you feel any better?" I asked, helping him it down and curl up with his head in my lap. "No. Can I have crackers? I feel empty and like my stomach is eating itself." he said, his voice raspy from throwing up and just waking up. "Of course bud, Harry? Would you be so kind as to grab some crackers and ginger ale? I got a baby Lou in my lap." I said, gaining a little chuckle from both of them. "Yup! You got it." Harry said, going to one of the cabinets and grabbing the stuff. "Hey Lou? How are you. I know it's been rough, and if you wanna talk, ever, for any reason at all, I'm here bubs. Right here." I said. Was that too much? That was too much. Oh crap. "I'm not good, Y/N, I'm not good." he said, absolutely breaking in my lap. I tried to pull him up, which caused him to sit himself in my lap. "She's...she's gone Y/N. And...and she's not...not coming back." he cried, already crying so hard he was hiccuping. "I know babe, I know. I'm sorry. Baby, you gotta calm down. If you keep hiccuping like that, you're gonna cry yourself sick. I gotcha Lou, I got ya." I spoke, rocking him back and forth as best I could, rubbing his back it lift, easy, circles. "Hey Lou? Bud? I got you this to sip on with your crackers." Harry said, adding his hand to Louis' back. "Thank you H-Hazza." Lou's voice cracked, breaking my heart even more. "Let it out Lou, let it out. Slow, deep breaths. In...and out." I said, still trying to move him back in forth. "Y/N, Y/N, please don't leave me. Please don't ever, ever leave me. They...they left. I can't...I don't...I don't wanna lose you too. Or Harry, or Niall, or Liam. Please don't let them leave Y/N, please." he cried, emotionally stabbing everyone in the room. Niall and Liam had heard him crying so they stood in the doorway, hoping that Louis would be ok. "We won't leave Lou, we promise." Niall said, coming over and sitting to the left of us. "Yeah, we love ya too much." Liam walked over, sitting to our right.

After a long while of comfort, cuddling, and crying, we all settled, Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, and I all lied on the couch, watching the movie Mr. Spoons suggested: Toy Story.

word count: 1089

I didn't cry writing this. I didn't cry writing this. I did not cry writing this.

I'm sorry for any pain I've caused

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