Sick Backstage (Harry)

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"How we doin so far?!" Harry yelled, running across stage.

The crowd roared with screams of fans.

"I think it's time for some twitter questions!" Liam yelled, coming and standing next to the rest of the boys.

The fans screamed and cheered.

"Alright, Zayn! Read us some questions!"

"Okie dokey! The first question is for you, Harry. It says, 'How long did you date your girlfriend, Y/N, before social media knew?' Great question!" Zayn said, everyone's attention turning to Harry.

"I'd say about...6 or 7 months. It was pretty well kept under the radar. I think we both enjoyed it, when we weren't stressing about it getting leaked when we weren't ready, and I think I liked that. It was calm, and peaceful. Like have just a snippet of old times back. Quiet, ya know?" Harry spoke, glancing and smiling over at me every so often.

A loud, consecutive 'Awwww' was heard from the crowd.

"Alright! I'll read the next." Harry cheered, the crowd roaring in response.

"This one is for...Liam! It says...'Liam, who was your most recent crush?' OoOoOOoOoooO I don't even know the answer to this one!" Harry prodded.

Liam blushed and walked away.

"LIAM JAMES PAYNE GET YOUR ARSE OVER HERE!" Louis shouted, running after him with a water bottle.

"Here we go..." Zayn rolled his eyes, and Niall was already doubled over laughing.

Harry turned from the crowd and slightly rubbed his stomach with the slightest pained expression.

I tilted my head at him once he looked towards me, and he shook his head like he was fine, putting on the famous Harry grin again.

Oh no.

This may be a long night.

They answered a bunch more questions, and ended with one for Louis.

"This one's for you, Lou. 'Louis, I dare you to kiss Harry.' Oh- everyone get their phones out. FREE LARRY CONTENT!" Niall said, literally squealing the end like a thirteen year old fangirl.

He ran over, kissing my boyfriend on the lips and ran to me just as fast, pulling me on stage.

The crowd cheered, and Louis pushed me into Harry.

There was a loud chant, started by Louis, of 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!' and that's what we did.

Harry wrapped his arms around my lower waist, not daring to touch my butt in front of all these people, and leaned in.

He sweetly, lightly pressed his lips to mine.

The crowd lost it.

And when I say lost it, I mean completely flipped their shit.

He pulled back, and I leaned my head on his chest, facing the crowd.

"Babe?" he whispered in my ear where the camera couldn't see, as it was on us; putting us on the big screens.

"Hm?" I barely noticeably hummed.

"Feel sick."

I pulled out my phone, bringing it up like I was taking a picture of the crowd, which I was, and began typing.

Just not for a tweet yet.

I type up what I was going back stage to do, to get ready for when he inevitably throws up.

1D Imagines/OneShotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara