Why'd You Let Them Drive? (Louis) Pt. 2

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"I know she's a fighter, and that you believe in her, and we all believe in her, and she will be ok. It just may take longer than desired, but that's not what matters. Right?" I asked, hoping to get him to a point of responding.

"Yeah." he whispered into my neck where his mouth was, moving his head to dry his eyes on my shirt.

And now...

(Louis' POV)

As soon as Harry hung up, I gunned it to the best trauma hospital near by. I knew the tone in his voice. I knew the sounds of multiple ambos. I knew it wasn't good. As soon as I saw ambulances enter the bay, I got out of my car and ran. I probably looked insane but I couldn't have cared less in that very moment.

I paced the waiting room, waiting for Y/N to get out of surgery. Harry finally stood up, probably to call me, or get me to sit down, and took my shoulders into his hands.

"Louis, you need to sit down. You're going to pace yourself dizzy, and we've had enough incidents today. Please, just sit with me." he asked, trying to slowly leading me to the two seat chair he had been sitting in before, not getting any disagreement from me. I was too tired and too busy thinking.

"Harry?" I asked, breaking the silence of the waiting room, filled only with people waiting for Y/N.

"Yes Lou?"

"Do you think she'll be ok?" I started to sob, leaning onto his shoulder. He took me into his lap and held onto me as if he'd never let me go.

"I know she's a fighter, and that you believe in her, and we all believe in her, and she will be ok. It just may take longer than desired, but that's not what matters. Right?" he!d asked me, most likely hoping to get me to a point of response.

"Yeah." I whispered, leaning my head closer into his neck, then moving my head to dry my eyes on his shirt.

I continued to keep my head in the crook of his neck, crying and letting my tears slip freely at this point. It had been hours since Y/N went in to surgery. I believe she went in so they could fix her rib and stop brain swelling. I think they called the brain thing a Decompressive Craniectomy. What I do know, is she'll be out of it for a while, and need incredibly intensive care and treatments.

After about 7 hours of waiting, which was about 2ish hours longer than expected, her doctor and surgeon finally came in.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" the doctor called, signaling all of us to stand up.

"The surgery went just fine, and she will need a follow-up surgery to place the part of her skull back, but that"s for when she's fully recovered. That could be weeks, months, even up to a year. But with her specific case, we estimate about a 3 1/2 month recovery time. It could possibly, and hopefully, be less than that, but it could also be more. Just depending on capabilities at the time being and her other wounds. Does anyone have any questions or concerns they'd like to ask about? We can answer them here, or we could always talk in private as well." Doctor what's-her-name spoke, telling us she'd be ok.

"Will she fully recover?" Y/M/N stood up and asked.

"We aren't sure. Right now, we're seeing about 89% recovery, but it's 9.9 out of 10 times always less when we first estimate. She'll still be able to speak, see, and move all of her limbs correctly, but her thinking and processing may be slower compared to before. And given the circumstances she's had and is about to face, it's normal for these patients to began to gain depression and always have anxiety after any traumatic experience." the doctor spoke again. I think that answered a lot of questions because no one spoke much after that. I'd gotten the info I wanted in this moment, so I kept quiet.

"Y/N should be waking up soon, and will be able to have visitors about 15-30 minutes after waking. But if she doesn't want any visitors, we can't let you in to see her, but we can give her messages." the surgeon said, cuing both doctors to leave.

Everyone sat in complete and utter silence until we were told that Y/N had awaken and was requesting Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and I only.

We all walked into her room, fully expecting the same dingy-ass white out rooms, but it was a nice, pale blue color. My eyes went to Y/N, who was already crying and holding her hand out to me.

"L-Lou." she croaked, voice almost non-existent.

"Baby, I'm here. I'm right here. No need to speak love. Same that wonderful voice of yours." I said, going over and almost hugging her, remembering all her injuries and stopping myself. She looked up at me with these big, sad, watery eyes. Instead of giving her the hug I wanted to, I kissed her nose, cheek, and as lightly as possible, her forehead, which, thank god, didn't hurt her.

I was sat in a chair near her head, Niall was next to me, just about where her fingertips end, Harry was opposite me, Liam was opposite Niall, and Zayn was standing on the wall across from the end of her bed. Since he was the one driving, he thought everyone hated and blamed him. Blamed, maybe a little, but it was all meant from fun. Hated? Not even the slightest. And we told him that, but he still didn't want to go near her.

We all sat in silence, I'd kiss her hand, which was in my hold, every couple minutes, Harry was lightly rubbing her arm, Liam read her her favorite book, which he'd found on an app on his phone, Niall just sat there, emotionless yet crying. Zayn, the poor boy, refused to move and stared blankly at y/n, little to no tears getting past the brims of his eyes.

God, this is gonna be a long road.

Word count: 1053


Part 3?
i'd make another one...maybe like little updates within the chapter until she's finally let out? not sure if anyone would want that, but if u do, lmk!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes. i know, i know, i'm terrible at typing so i will eventually go back and fix all mistakes

vote, comment, i'd love to know your thoughts!
Requests are always open!!

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