Request for JATPWillexlover

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"Y/N... how would you feel about going public? Like soon." Liam asked, making all the other boys heads turn.

"Liam Payne, stop pressuring her!" Harry yelled, and I laughed.

"Harry it's ok! I kind of like that idea. How do you think we should go public Li?"

"Wait it's actually happening?! Code blue! CODE FUCKING BLUE!" Louis yelled, making everyone laugh.

"Sit your sarcastic ass down Louis. Now Liam.. what did you have in mind? Twitter? Instagram?" I asked.

"How about our last concert of tour? Only, of course, if the boys don't mind." He said, looking to the boys.

"HELL YEAH! Do you know how long I've been waiting to post all these cute pictures of you guys!" Harry yelled from the couch.

"Y'all do y'all- I'm making chicken nuggets, anyone want some?" Niall asked, and Louis shook his head.

"Fully support." Louis said, getting up to help Niall with the nuggets.

"Zayn? Is it ok with you?" I asked, sitting down on the seat next to him.

"I think it's an amazing idea." He smiled, and I hugged him.

"Well then it's settled, in 3 shows, we announce our relationship." Liam spoke, kissing me on the top of my head.


"Darling are you ready? We're about to go one stage!" Li yelled through the door.

"One minute!" I yelled, trying to put on an earring.

Not this show, but tomorrow's show, well be announcing we're together.

I'm so fucking nervous.

There's obviously been speculation, and the hate on the speculations alone is unreal and petrifying.

"Y/N love I'm coming in." Liam said, opening the door.

"I said I'd be out in a second Li, what's up?" I asked, turning after putting the back on my earring.

"I love you, so so so so much. You know that right?"

He pulled me close, and after each 'so' he'd kiss my neck, and kissed my forehead after he finished his sentence.

"Yeah.. I do- Liam what's going on?" I quickly rushed out, giving him a concerned look.

"I've noticed you looking at the hate comments on the speculation posts about our relationship, and screenshoting them, and I want you to know how much I love you. No matter how anyone reacts, all that matters is that our families are behind us, and the band is behind us, and that's all we need." He softly spoke, hugging me tightly.

"We don't need the public validation, and we certainly don't need to be looking at post about us, because they don't matter. What matters is you, me, the boys, the band, and our love. Darling I would do anything to protect you for harm. If you are having second thoughts about doing this, we can call it off. That's completely okay. I will wait as long as you want to, whether it's tomorrow, a month from now, a year from now, or five years after we've been happily married. It will wait as long as you need. I'm here for you, we're all here for you my love."

I looked up at him, at his soft eyes and smile, his cute hair falling out of place because he's tilted his head to look at me, and it hit me.

He's right.

We don't need anyone else to validate our relationship, or our feelings toward each other.

Because we have each other.

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