Exams (Harry)

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*Phone Call*

Y- Hi Hazza

H- Hey love! How was your day? Tell me all about it.

Y- A lot more to study. And more to come once I hang up, sadly enough.

H- You know, the best proven study method is to study for about five minutes, do something, come back, move on, and repeat until you repeat your guide a few times. And you'll need plenty of rest, and a good breakfast tomorrow

Y- I don't have time for it though Harry! I just don't have enough time! *Starting to get flustered, anxiety kicking in*

H- Hey, listen to me alright? Oh- no! Don't start crying baby, you'll be alright.

Y- Harry, I don't.. I uhm- I just don't wanna fail. and I know this isn't my best subject and I'm scared.

*I sobbed, wishing Harry was here to hold me, play with my hair, kiss my forehead, kiss me in general.*

H- Y/N, baby, listen to me, please. You, are going to do phenomenal. I know you are. You are an absolutely brilliant young woman, and you will do a brilliant job on this exam. I don't care if you believe me, because my words are true. Y/N luv you gotta start believing in yourself for me, ok? Will you try for me?

Y- Yes..

H- Thank you. That means the whole world to me, that you'll try. And I'm gonna help you, and we will get you to a good point, where your confidence is better than ever. Do you wanna know why I want you to try for me?

Y- Not really. But- let me take a quick guess, you're gonna tell me?

*I chuckled.*

H- Damn straight I am. Because you are so so smart, and aren't given enough credit from yourself. You deserve so much more self luv than you give, and it hurts to watch. I, and so so many other people care about you, and love you, and want... more correctly put as, need you to feel better about yourself. We want you to be happy.

Y- Thank you Harry. Really. It's just been really really hard. And I wish you were here, so so much, and I miss your hugs, and I miss your smile, and I miss your kisses, and cuddles, and... and... just your presence in general.

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