Movie Night (Liam)

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"What movie kiddo?" Liam asked Lux, who we were in charge of babysitting tonight, and showing her all the Disney movies. I walked in from making popcorn just in time to hear her sweet little kiddo voice.

"No Toy Story! We watched it last time!" she giggled, laughing at the movie Liam had in his hand.

"Aw, c'mon Lux! I thought you loved Woody and Buzz! They were your favorite!" Liam spoke in a child-like voice to amuse the little girl.

"That's you, silly! They're your favorite!" she giggled once again, grabbing my favorite DCOM; High School Musical. Ha! Liam and the boys are gonna loooove this one. God I love her.

"OoOoOoO! My favorite!" I said, setting down the popcorn to pick her small body up.

"LiLi? Can we watch dis one? Pretty please?" she asked, giving him the biggest possible puppy eyes. I gave him my best ones too. Only cause I like the movie and her voice is just so cute.

"Alright. I guess so. The boys are gonna absolutely love your choice." he said, laughing a bit knowing the boys are going to...not love it to say the least. We've watched the movie a lot lately, just because Disney's the only channel we get really well right now, and it's a HSM marathon weekend stuff.


"The party has started!" Louis yelled, opening the door.

"That it has, my good sir." Harry said, casually setting his arm on Louis' head.

"Hey!" Lou pouted, making Lux laugh.

"Harry! Harry Harry Harry Harry, Harry!" she squealed, running over to his arms. He picked her teeny form up into his much larger, stronger arms, spinning her around.

"Hi lovely! How's my favorite kiddo doin?" he asked, setting her on his hip and sitting next to me.

"She's good! We get to watch High School Musical!" she happily said, babbling on about her favorite characters and why they're her favorite.


"Is there any or popcorn?" Niall asked, having finished every kernel himself. We were about a quarter of the way through the movie and Lux was asleep on my lap and I was sitting on Liam's.

"Make some yourself there bud. You eat it all, you want more, you know how to make it." I happily sassed, causing Liam to laugh a bit along with Niall himself.

"I love when your a sarcastic little shit." Liam whispered, tickling my sides just a bit.

"Kiss me." he continued. I wanted to see how long I could drag out his need for attention.

"Movie." I said, pointing at the t.v.

"Kiss me."

"Troy Bolton's hot." hahaaaa. This could be fun-

"Ouch. I've been stabbed in the heart. Kiss it. Make the booboo all better babe."

"Luxy should probably be taken to the back room, since she's asleep and there's no open bottom bunks" I said, standing up with her cradled carefully in my arms.

"I'll help. My legs are falling asleep." he responded, standing up right with me. The other boys chuckled, seeing the little game. I tucked her into the big bed, making sure she had some pillows around her just in case. Once we'd walked out the door, closed it, and walked into the bunk space, Liam pinned me lightly against one of the sides.

"Kiss. Me."

"I wanna watch HSM." I whined, trying to shuffle my way out of his warm arms.

"And I want a kiss."



"M. O. V. I. E. Movie."

"K. I. S. S. Ki-" I cut him off, finishing with the middle school taunt.

"I. N. G. First comes love. Them comes marriage. Then comes-" this time, I was cut off.

"A kiss for the 'needy' boyfriend cause you love him." he spoke.

"You're not needy. Just cute." I said, able to break from his hold, only out for a second before he pinned me to the other side.

"Kiss. Me."

"Make. Me." I tried, knowing I can't pay for it now or latter cause we're on the tour bus.

"Alright." he said, easily picking me up. He took me back into the living room area, setting me back on his lap, and going back to watching the movie as if nothing happened. Huh. This is fun.

"Can we watch literally anything else now? I can't hear another song out of these...these people." Zayn spoke, groaning before the sentence.

"Yeah! HSM 2!!" I said, making all of them groan this time.

"No!" they all whisper-yelled, careful not to wake the kiddo, knowing they'd have to get her to sleep since they woke her up.


After a while of watching FRIENDS reruns, I started to get tired. I curled up closer to Liam's chest, looking for his warmth as the air conditioning was getting to be too much.

"Tired babe?" he lightly chuckled, grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch and laying it over my curled body.

'Mhm.' I mumbled, moving my head to the crook of his neck. I reached up as best I could and kissed the corner of his mouth.

"What was that for love?" he said, as if none of the events before had ever happened.

"Cause I love you." I sleepily replied.

"Alright boys, I'm gonna take this one to bed. She's half asleep and it's almost three in the morning. Night boys." he spoke, standing up with me cradled how I had cradled Lux before.

"Night." I tried to say, getting 'Night's and 'Love you, night's in return. Liam slowly and carefully took me back to his bunk, which to his convenience, was a bottom bunk, so he didn't have to lift me, but instead easily drop me lightly onto the mattress.

"There we go baby. All comfy and good?" he asked, slipping an extra pillow under my head and another blanket over top the comforter as the air conditioning was higher back here. I nodded, not opening my eyes. I felt him slip in next to me, always sleeping on the outside, so if for some reason he was to fall out, he'd be on the outside instead of me.

"Ok, good. Now sleep well baby."

I mumbled a light 'I love you' gaining a low, light chuckle from Li.

"I love you too baby, I love you too." he whispered, sending me off to sleep.

Word Count: 1055


Here's another for you! a few more and a part two will be up for the previous imagine :)

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