Issue 0 - The Chains of a Villain

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Since the moment I was born, everyone has stayed clear of me. It was made evident from day one I wasn't like the other children. They would always play heroes going around saving the day rescuing as many people as possible. Any chance I got to play led me to always be cast as the villain who lost each time.

I was born with a quirk seen as evil, a foul and dangerous tool neither my mother nor father had. Because of this, I was branded as a villain. But, that's just the world we live in; destiny picks the weak from the strong as predefined circumstances choose your fate.

If your quirk is heroic enough and seen as 'good', you become a hero. Someone who saves others time and time again. However, if your quirk is a so-called sin and is seen as 'evil', you don't. The world treats you like a villain even if you've done nothing wrong. That was me; everyone knew I was apparently dangerous; that's my quirk had hurt good people, and I was some kind of monster.

I would receive visits from serval pros a week to make sure I was an upstanding citizen. I even received a visit from the number one hero himself, and even he didn't reinsure me over my condition. The idea of being a hero was decaying as something ugly crawled through. The idea ate away at me like cancer until there was nothing left.

I will never be a hero.

I accepted that early on and began to refuse to use my quirk. I simply chose the cowardly option and gave up on my dream. But all of that would change one day as my life was torn inside out.

This was changed when the day came in which I died.


"Help me! Someone, please help me!"

I turned the corner, stricken with shock seeing a group of thugs robbing an innocent girl. While it was disturbing, to say the least, it wasn't too uncommon in the area I lived. Crimes like this were regular as the pros tend to stay away to avoid trouble. Being in the poorest part of the country, we were seen as expendable without worry. At least that's what I heard anyway.

I stood idly by watching the girl as her cries fell on deaf ears. I knew I shouldn't intervene, which in retrospect would only cause more trouble. But, on the other hand, I was already walking on mighty thin ice for no reason, so this would happily give the pros an excuse to throw me in the slammer. Making up my mind, I turned around, whispering to myself, gripping my school bag tightly. "A hero will come to the rescue. They always do... This isn't your problem, Y/N."

As I kept walking away, I felt my blood boil with each footstep. This anger wasn't pointed towards the criminals but more myself. I was furious at the fact I would give up on someone who was clearly in need. I knew deep down I could save her; no, I had to. "Save me!"

Those words chained me into an unknown frenzy. Dropping my school bag, I turned, running without any hesitation. I had no idea why I was doing such a thing, but here I was running to save somebody I hardly knew. A girl I would pass each day who never showed me even a smile. So why am I protecting her?!

"Hey!" I screamed, getting the attention of the thugs. Each turned startled by my sight as most stumbled back. "Leave her alone!"

"Holy shit, it's the Red Stringed Butcher! What the hell is he doing here?!"

The Red Stringed Butcher. Give me a break, some stupid nickname some school kids gave me after mindless rumours. That name ticks me off more than anything, and it's one I'm forced to live by. Even the crooks are afraid of me, talk about a horrid feeling.

Staring each thug down, I wiped a small trickle of blood from my lips as I saw them all around me. The closest thing I could ever call to friends. The Red Strings. This was my quirk, seeing the life force of all living things and being able to bend it to my will. The strings attached to the thugs and buildings fixated on me, digging under my fingernails and into my skin. Curling my fingers back, I swung my arm around, throwing two of the grunts back, breaking into the wall. The moment their bodies touched the concrete, the wall was torn apart, forming together just as quickly, holding the thugs inside trapped half in and half out. Coughing slightly, I pulled my arm all the way back, snapping the third villain off his feet. When he hit the ground, I kept tugging at his red strings, tearing him across the floor before throwing him into a set of bins.

I am the Villain (MHA x Male Villain Reader)Where stories live. Discover now